Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, June 30, 2016

And 25 years later...she decides it is a good idea to lift weight!

When I was in high school and we could choose our gym class each quarter, I always choose swimming, archery or weight lifting.  I preferred doing legs over arms and that holds true 25 years later.  Sooooo.........on this fabulous journey to healthier curves, I have made the commitment to incorporate physical activity.  I know that it will help strengthen and tone my body, which will also lead to the lose of inches. 

Last night, I went to my first strength circuit training class with http://www.bariatricbootcamp.net/.  Liz Dumont is the trainer and her knowledge is amazing!  She gets it, she knows where morbidly obese people are coming from and how to help them get to where they need to and want to be.  The gym, where the class is held, has a separate section for these classes.  It allowed me to be much more comfortable on the machines, without the fit people on a machine next to me.  It allowed me to work out with people who have weight struggles and understand the daily fight to get healthier. 

I was focusing on cardio-vascular workouts, but knew I needed to eventually add in the strength training.  When I saw Liz's post about the trial class, I immediately sent her an email.  I had spoken with the women in the support group about her and they said she was fantastic.  They were not lying!

I knew, going into last night, that I was going to have my butt handed to me. 
AND, I did.  As I finished my last bicep curl (on the 10lb weight, even though I tried to convince Liz to let me do it with the 5lb weight), I became flushed and knew I was going to puke.  SO, I put the weights back, and rushed to the bathroom.  UGH, I hate throwing up!  But I felt fantastic afterwards.  Liz felt badly, I said, no need, I just became overheated.  So, I think I need to rethink my work out clothing.  Needless to say, I gave Liz my credit card and signed up for her 8 class package.  I knew if I didn't do it right then, I wouldn't do it at all.  I met some great women, supportive and encouraging.  I look forward to working out with them as we change our bodies for the better (they are all post op). My arms are feeling the most effected today.  No I am not excited about lifting, no I don't rush out the door to get to the gym, but I am going to suck it up and go!

I have also found a pool buddy.  We will meet up starting tomorrow and then go to Aqua Zumba on Saturday.  This means, my butt has to get out of my office chair at 11:10 tomorrow morning so I can meet her at the gym at 11:30.

I will be looking for a new bathing suit (with a little more support for jumping around in the pool) and I need to research some better options to wear to the circuit training classes.

Sure wish there were more options for large women....feels like there is a niche in the market that is lacking!

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