Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Goals and Rewards........Celebrating the Small Victories As They Happen!

Sooo........as I have mentioned, I belong to several support groups and discussion groups for WLS.  Yesterday, I saw this goal board (pictured below) and fell in love!  I am a visual person.  I used to have a paper thermometer in my office, and for every 10 leases we received, we put another block on the thermometer until we reach 220.  (My staff decided it wasn't professional looking in my office and made me take it down).

Here is the board I saw:

I feel a crafting session coming on!  Now, I just need to think about what "rewards" I want to put on the board.  I know my 100 lbs lost reward is going to be going to Hawaii or Tahiti.

I want the reward to be something that is appropriate for the goal reached.  I don't want to lose 20 lbs and buy diamond earrings......The harder the goal is to reach, the bigger the reward....

Here are some of my ideas:
  • Alex and Ani Bracelet
  • Amusement Park trip (I can't wait to ride roller coasters again!)
  • New camera lens.
  • 60 or 90 minute massage.
  • Spa weekend
  • I know at some point I wan to get a tattoo symbolizing the journey
  • A new flat screen tv
  • king size bed.
Any ideas?  I would love to hear them!


  1. Girl when you are ready and back this way, you and me will hit Canobi and ride that coaster! I havent been to a park since my surgery and this is on my list of things to do that hasent been crossed off. my hubby doesnt do rides, monkey either lol xoxoxo PS love the blog

  2. Thanks! You got it! The last time I went to Canobi, I was humiliated. I went with camp and tried to ride the roller coaster and the bar wouldn't come down. I cried for days! When I went to Disney a few years ago, I researched which rides were good for overweight people. I can't wait to not have to think about it!

  3. Massages are part of good physical and emotional health so you should just plan to have those as part of your fitness plan. Win!!!!!

    1. I like the way you think! They also help with skin elasticity!
