Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, June 20, 2016

Determination......if I can stop playing head games with myself!

Sooo........part of this journey is to remove bad habits and replace them with good ones.  I have always said, my word is all I have in this world!  I do my best to do what I say I will do and honor commitments I make to people. (If you have read Gretchen Rubin's book Better Than Before, you know this makes me an Obliger).

I had told one of the surgeons, that I would be at the support group on Thursday evening.  Right before I left work for the day, I was told something that was a little stressful.  The last thing I wanted to do was go to a meeting to talk about my weight, tools for pre and post surgery, or be supportive of anyone else.  I was down right grumpy!  All I wanted to do, was go home, get into my pjs, pour a glass of wine (or 3) and match a movie, while cuddling with  Maisie Moon.  BUT, I knew the surgeon would be there and I had promised her I would come.  Sooooo........instead of letting my head get the best of me, I walked Maisie, grabbed something quick to eat (but not junk food) and headed to the meeting.  I am really glad I went!  I met some great people, confirmed that the COMP program at GBMC, was the right choice for me and was proud of myself for not giving into the urge to not follow through (celebrating little victories as the come).

On Friday, I had committed to meeting with the aquatics trainer at the gym.  Part 2 of the stress occurred on Friday and again, my head was playing games with me.  I really didn't want to go.  I know part of that was a hesitation because I haven't "worked out" in a very long time.  But I left work, put on my bathing suit and hopped into the pool.  Pam kicked my butt for a full hour.  I knew when I started coming out of the pool, that my legs, sure did get a work out.  It was HARD, but I did it.  Of course, my legs were sore all weekend and now feel better (just in time to get back into the pool).

In the past, I would have talked myself out of going to the meeting and to the pool.  Just another sign, that this is it, for real this time, I am determined to make the changes I need to get healthier curves!  Just a few more months and I will be cutting alcohol and grains from my diet...........

Sooo..........I will continue to use the blog as a way to keep myself accountable.  I will make it stick this time!

I have been wanting a 2nd tattoo for a long time and I think that after I reach my goal weight, I am going to get a phoenix to represent rising from the ashes into a new life!

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