Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Feeling Intimidated...........

I belong to a few FB WLS groups.  For the most part, they are very helpful.......Notice I said for the most part. 

On Tuesdays(transformation Tuesdays) and Fridays(Face to Face Fridays), people post before and after pictures. For the most part, the pictures are motivational and inspiring! 

BUT, in my moments of self doubt and fear (yes, even this confident woman, has self doubt), I question if I will be as successful as they have been.  Will I have lose that much weight and inches in the same time frame.

I am trying to remember that my journey is about me and not everyone else.  I am trying to remind myself that social media is an airbrushed version of people's lives.

This journey is about getting healthy and strong.  Because I will be modifying food intake and making sure exercise is part of the journey, the end result should be healthier curves and me in a smaller shell!

I need to remember that everyone is different, our bodies will all react to the surgery and life changes differently.
I will need to make sure I am celebrating the NSV (non scale victories) as well as the SV (scale victories).  That is why I created the list on the left hand side of the blog.  These are things that I will be able to measure without getting onto a scale.  These are things that will happen as my body changes shape and size.  

I need to make sure that I am not stealing my own joy and allowing myself to lose confidence.  This time, I am being intentional about my journey.  Make positive changes one at a time.  I am incorporating good habits.  I have surrounded myself with people who will challenge me, push me and support me. 

I have decided, that to keep track of my NSVs, I will create another list that will highlight them!  I should be proud that I have been 42 days without any soda (diet or not). That is a big feat for a girl who used to drink 3-4 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper a day (more so on the weekends, but still).  It is also saving me tons of money!

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