Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Pre-Op Check List

Soo........I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama.  It is always challenging to have insurance based in a different state than you live.  There are several things you need to complete in order get WLS approval!

Every insurance is different, but here is my list!  If there is a line through it, that means I have completed it.

  • PCP Letter of Support  (2nd round complete)
  • 3 Year Weight History (2nd round complete)
  • EKG (faxed from PCP) (2nd round complete)
  • Psych Eval (not required by my insurance, but required by surgeon) (2nd round complete)
  • Chest Xray
  • 5lb Weight Loss
  • Sleep Study (not required, but PCP wants me to have one) I have opted not to do this!

Nutrition appointments  (2nd time around I completed NewTri)
  1. New Patient:  Completed April 7, 2016
  2. How to Start Preparing for Surgery:  Completed May 9, 2016
  3. Post-Op Diet Progression to Regular Foods:  Completed June 8, 2016
  4. Long-Term Habits for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Scheduled July 7, 2016 (down 7lbs)
  5. Pre-Op Individual Consultation & Weigh In: Scheduled August 9, 2016 (down 5 more lbs)
  6. 6th Nutrition appointment and Weigh In: Scheduled September 8, 2016 (I was not counting on this, so I am a little disappointed) (down 2 more lbs)
  7. Final Visit & Prep Class: October, 6, 2016 (down 6 more lbs)
  8. Pre Op physical and blood work. (11.7.16)
  9. Insurance Approval
Not Insurance Related

Things to purchase
  • Vitamins (liquid or chew-able)
  • Hawaiian Shaved Ice Machine
  • Sugar Free Syrup Flavorings
  • 2 oz and 4 oz cups
  • Nutribullet (maybe) Decided against it.
  • Lots of broth/Soup
  • Protein Water
  • Lots of jello
  • Miralax, Miralax, Miralax(and smooth move tea)

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