Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

To Eat Or Not To Eat

Today hasn't been the best food day for me.  I haven't been sleeping, got home late last night and then my poor pup had something wrong with her paw so I had to play nurse at 2:30am.  (so hard when they don't have words to use).

Needless to say, even though my therapist said I am not an emotional eater, I didn't plan well today.  Didn't pack breakfast and because I had eaten out last night, I didn't have lunch to bring today. (yep, very poor excuses and yes I recognize those are just excuses!).

So, I am trying to figure out, how I can motivate myself for the food piece.  I know once I start to see or feel the weight coming off, I will be more motivated to make better choices.  I know how to do this, I just need to force myself to do it.

I have toyed around with the idea of doing 2 meal replacements with protein shakes and then a protein packed dinner.  But I am concerned I will become dependent on the shakes. The surgeon said, they try to get their patients away from shakes after the liquid and soft food phases.  Most people don't use the shakes as a true meal replacement.  One of the protein powder companies, does what they call a BOT.  Back on Track.  It is targeted towards those who have already had WLS and regained.  In the program, you do 4-5 shakes a day.  That is $132 worth of protein powder (each of their bags is about $33 and has 20 servings.  The shakes are around 100 calories per serving.  Then you do a protein packed dinner.

Let's face it, I like food.  I didn't get to be morbidly obese because I eat like a bird and crave exercise.  I am in my shell because I don't always make the right choices and I would much prefer to lay my butt on the couch, cuddle with my pup and watch a movie or read.  I know, LAZY, but that is the truth.

I didn't walk my pup this morning because of her paw (she has a sore on one of the pads).  I was too tired to go to the pool because I just know I would have drowned (okay, yes that is another excuse).  I WILL use my bike pedals when I get home for at least 30 mins.  (Stop smiling....I will, I promise).

I also haven't been logging my food, which I know is a pitfall!  I need to see what I am eating in writing. 

Tomorrow, I am going to a circuit training sample class.  I have heard great things about the woman holding the class, she used to be morbidly obese and works with a lot of the women from my surgery center.  I am hoping this gives me another option.  I know I need to do lifting and strength training, but would prefer to do it in a group setting.

Sooo......tomorrow is another day.  I am committed to making better choices, but hey 2 months since I have had any soda!

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