Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Elusive Poop (Warning........may be TMI for some)

Soo.....ever since my I was diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome, 5 years ago, I have had a struggle with normal bowel movements. (My L5 disc herniated into my spinal canal affecting the nerves that work the bowels, bladder and affect sciatica.)

CES is rare, but of course, my body likes to do things differently!

Anyway...back to poop!  I have been ready a lot of posts about people who are having issues with constipation after the WLS surgery.  UM.....I sure don't need anymore trouble in that area.  It can be up to 7 days before I have a bowel movement and then I feel like I am birthing a baby out of my butt (or at least, what I imagine birthing a baby may feel like).

I haven't been using Miralax like I should, but I started again this morning.  I will do a cap full in the am and another in the evening.  I am hoping this gets me closer to normal.  I know as I increase my fiber and activity, the poop will come easier, but knowing people have issues after the surgery, I worry that because of my nerve issues, I will have more trouble than most.

All of this to lead into something crazy I saw in someone's post.  Now, I get it, the point of this "tool" is to help your colon get into the correct position to help with bowel movements.  I am one of those people that pay attention to the color and shape of my poop.  Yep, DISGUSTING, but a necessity.  When you retain poop, that is a bunch of toxins just hanging out in your body not to mention, the poop does weigh something, causes blotting and just plain simple discomfort.

Hold onto your socks people!  Have you heard of the Squatty Potty? http://www.squattypotty.com/

Yep, it is real.  Now, why can't you just go to the store and buy a stool to help with your stool (see what I did there?).  The Squatty Potty is a Shark Tank product.  And they want $30 for the plastic stool all because it has a cut out that allows you to push it close to the toilet stand when not in use.

I also want to know, why they use a unicorn to demonstrate the usefulness of the product.  Yep, the unicorn poops out rainbow poop and then they show children eating ice cream cones that are rainbow colored!

Okay, now that I have probably grossed out a lot of people..........You decide for yourself!  I am all about doing whatever it takes to make the poop less elusive.  So for me, it will be Miralax, increased fiber and more movement, for now anyway!

Happy pooping! (PS, I don't think I am ever going to eat soft serve swirled cones again!)

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