Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, June 9, 2016

And the research continues.........

Today, I was reading one of the support groups I follow for Bariatric Surgery. Someone posed a question about wearing a medical alert bracelet after surgery.

My first thought.....WTF!  Something else I would have never thought about.  You know that your body is being permanently altered (I mean, 2/3 of your stomach is going to be removed, so yeah, something internally will be very different.  Part of the reason I chose the sleeve over bypass, was I didn't like the idea of a large portion of my stomach sitting in there, not attached to anything.  That means, there is an organ in my stomach, that could form cancer, and it would not be easy to detect, because they wouldn't be able to do any normal oral scopes.......

Wow, have I learned a great deal through this process!

So, I started researching medical alert bracelets for bariatric surgery patients and came across Lauren's Shope  http://blog.laurenshope.com/medical-id-jewelry-blog/do-i-need-a-gastric-sleeve-medical-id-bracelet.

This is why it is important emergency personal know you were sleeved:

"With gastric sleeve surgery, the patient’s internal anatomy is also altered, though not in the same way as a bypass patient’s. For this reason, some patients mistakenly think they do not need gastric sleeve medical ID jewelry. However, in the event of a trauma, intubation is common, and without a lighted scope, this emergency procedure could significantly damage the small stomach of a gastric sleeve patient, exacerbating the situation and requiring an easily preventable emergency repair."

My heLove Medical ID Cuff | Gastric Sleeve Medical ID Jewelryad is spinning.........AND the list of items on the "to purchase list" is growing!

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