Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Birthday Binge Waistline Bust!

Just got back from my 2nd nutritionist appointment..............

Let's say, the weigh in could have been worse, but it also could have been better! I gained 4lbs.......

I knew going into the weigh in, that the number would be higher than last month.  I took this birthday weekend as my opportunity for a last big bash!  To say I have been gluttonous the past week would be an understatement.

Too much was the theme of the weekend.....too much sun, too much food, too much wine.  There wasn't enough time with good friends or enough sleep!

But, I knew what I was doing, it was a conscious choice.  NOW it is time to get back at it.  Four weeks now without any soda, and 2 days without caffeine.  I am still struggling with the no water 30 minutes before or after eating and no drinking while eating......but I will get there.

Next BIG change will be no grains.  My spiralizer will be my new BFF.  My goal is to give up grains and starches by September 1st.  I know this will be a struggle.  There is a reason I don't buy pasta or bread!  Have I mentioned I adore pasta????

My journey this time is different, because I am focusing on my victories, not my missteps.

As Matt Nathanson Says:

This time, I'll be sailing
No more bailing boats for me
I'll be out there on the sea
Just my confidence and me

And I'll be awful sometimes
Weakened to my knees
But I'll learn to get by
On little victories

This time, I'll have no fear
I'll be standing strong and tall
Turn my back towards them all

And I'll be awful sometimes
Weakened to my knees
And I'll learn to get by
On the little victories
And if the world decides to catch up with me
Still little victories

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