Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, June 10, 2016

Excess Skin Donation???? WHAT??

As I have mentioned before, in preparation for Gastric Sleeve Surgery, I have been doing at least 30 mins to 60 mins of reading and research everyday.  I just read a post on the page of one of the FB groups I follow, that talked about donating the excess skin you may have after surgery.  Apparently, in her area, the burn units at local hospitals will assist with the cost of the surgery, if you agree to donate the skin.  MIND BLOWN!

I am already an organ donor (which as we all know, the skin is the largest organ we have), but who knew some places would take the access skin?? Below is a link to an article that talks about why it is difficult to find some place that will take the live skin and why.  Very fascinating!


 I continued to do some reading.....so, we know that purchasing organs is illegal, this means that legally the hospitals can not reimburse for surgery or pay for surgery.


Just goes to show you, there is a great deal of misinformation out there....and it is frightening to me that people just read one article online and take it for gospel.  We are talking about YOUR body people.  Take responsibility and KNOW what you are in for.  Surgery is serious business!

I also read somewhere that people didn't realize with the gastric sleeve, 2/3 of your stomach is removed.  How the heck do you sign authorization papers for a surgery, without understanding what is about to happen to you????????????????

Well, my head continues to spin!  Thank you for reading, blogging has helped me to keep things organized and hold myself accountable!

Now, I am off to sip on more water......64 oz is A LOT of water to consume in a 24 hour period!  Why is it is so much easier to drink 8 beers, or 8 glasses of wine or 8 Diet Dr. Peppers??????????

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