Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ditching starches.........UGH, my weakness!

fried "rice"

Okay.....confession time....I LOVE pasta.  Know, seriously, I could eat pasta for every meal and be a happy (even larger) woman. Warm pasta, cold pasta, pasta salad, pasta with just butter, pasta with some rich cream sauce, pasta pasta pasta! As part of the WLS journey, I have to give up starches at least 3 weeks before the surgery.  The goal is to get my liver as small as I can, so that it is easier for the surgeon to hold it up and get to my stomach for the procedure.

What's a starch loving girl to do?  Replace the starchy food in some of my favorite recipes with veggies......UGH, okay, if I have to.

So last night I was in the mood for fried rice.  Off to Trader Joe's I went.......someone had recommended I go there to buy riced cauliflower...because let's face it, I sure wasn't going to rice a head of cauliflower.

Have I mentioned, I HATE cauliflower? I don't like how it looks or tastes.  But I decided to give it a try.  I have to say, no so bad.  I could barely taste the cauliflower. I even used coconut oil in place of a vegetable oil.  I used less than a teaspoon of the oil.  You will notice that there are carrots, peas and corn in my "rice".  Yes, I know they are starchy vegetables...but a girl can only change so much at a time.  I will start with eliminating rice, breads and pasta and then move onto the starchy veggies.

I just placed an order from Hungry Root https://www.hungryroot.com/.  Here is a picture of one of the items I purchased and the nutrition value.  The carbs are higher than I would like, seeing I am trying to keep carbs under 50g a day.

So here is hoping that these options will feed my cravings.  I can add a little tofu or chicken to add more protein.  I will post some pictures once I make them!

If you have any pasta or rice replacement "hacks" let me know!

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