Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, July 1, 2016


So last night, I got home from decorating cupcakes......

They look good don't they? Don't worry....I didn't eat one......no, I promise, I didn't...they are sitting on my desk because I knew if I had them in my house, I would eat them.  And not just one, all 4 of them.  So I figured my staff could have a little treat.,

Anyway, when I got home, I swear I heard my couch calling my name.  It was telling me how much it missed me.  You don't realize how much TV you watch, while laying on the couch, until you look at your DVR after a week of not being home in the evenings to watch your recorded shows.

Now when I get home, I take care of my pup's needs, make sure I eat something and drink more water, and usually climb into bed and fall asleep reading.  I feel like I am breaking up with my TV......sorry old friend!  I will say I have been sleeping a little better.

People keep saying, don't worry, it gets better, it gets easier, you will start to crave it.  Okay, but you know the song I'm A Believer that Neil Diamond wrote and the Monkees recorded??  Well, guess what, I am NOT a believer......that doesn't mean I won't be at some point, but what I want people to remember is, I am just starting the physical piece of this journey.  The most I have pushed myself, before now, is walking 5 miles at once (except when I climbed the Blarney Castle, that was a bitch!).  

Don't get me wrong, I am so appreciative of the support, recommendations, etc. I will continue to push myself as much as I can, but I also know I have limits and need to listen to my body.  I will learn the difference between my body feeling the results of a work out and my body telling me I went too far.  

By the way....those cupcakes I mentioned, they are calling me, but I am ignoring them!  That is the challenge for me...not justifying eating the bad food just because I burned some calories..........

If my head would stop playing games with me......I would be good to go!

Off to drink a protein shake!