Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Not everyone will support you!

So......those of you following this blog, that are also part of my FB world or inner circle, know that I have been partaking in online dating adventures.  One of the sites I use is called BBWCupid.com.  Sometimes, it is just nice to be not have to worry about if someone will accept your body shape and size.  BUT, there is a downfall to that when you are trying to change your size.......the people who once accepted you, may no longer (and I don't just mean someone you may be in an intimate relationship with).

I had a conversation with someone I used to work with, and she was telling me, that some of her coworkers have stopped talking with her since she lost all of her weight (she is 3 years out from the surgery).  I like to believe (and I may be naive), that those around me would support the fact, I am choosing to live longer and healthier, instead of judging my process and journey.  If you think having 2/3 of your stomach removed, having to watch everything you eat for the rest of your life (because the surgery is JUST a tool I get to use on my journey), and only being able to eat 2 oz at a time is easy......I think people who have had the surgery and regained the weight or people who have had the surgery and kept the weight off would disagree.  Unlike naturally thin people, we don't have the luxury of eating whatever we want.  Our bodies will fight us every step of the way to keep every pound on our bodies.

Soooo.........I was seeing a guy, someone who works out every day, eats extremely healthy and I am pretty sure doesn't have any body fat.  Because we had been on several dates, and it seemed, we may continue to see each other, I shared with him, that I was starting the journey to lose weight and get healthy (I didn't share anything about the surgery, because we weren't at that point in our relationship.)  He became silent and asked how much I wanted to lose, I told him my target weight and for a minute, I thought he had hung up.  He likes big women.  I think he likes to be MUCH smaller than the woman he is dating.  He offered to help me work out and tone, but only if I promised not to get too thin........Well, you can imagine how the rest of the conversation went.  I won't be seeing him any longer.

This journey is about me, I welcome anyone to follow along, as long as they are supportive.  Would it be nice to have a partner there to support me, but I am just fine being single.  I love my life, love my friends and family and am enjoying life as much as possible.

Anyway.......I have been diligent about not allowing people into my circle that don't support me.......so until the right man comes along......I shall keep on keeping on!

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