Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Numbers Don't Lie....Unfortunately!

 I am not defined by the shape of my body and I think that most people who know me, would tell you, I am confident and secure in who I am at this moment!  That doesn't mean, I shouldn't and won't continue to strive to be the best version of me I can be!

Yesterday, I met with Keenan, the trainer at Brick Bodies, to discuss goals and current measurements.  That was FUN.....um okay, it really sucked!  I know what I look like, when I see myself in the mirror, but damn, it really sucked looking at the reality of what my measurements were!

It only reminds me of the long road/journey I have ahead of me to get those numbers MUCH lower so that my curves are healthy curves!  For people who are naturally thin, and never had to struggle with their weight, I know it is hard to understand the daily battle I face.  Listen, I didn't get this way because I hate food.  I got this way because of complacency, because I adore food and would rather catch a film with a friend, then head to the gym and sweat!

So, that means, my head and I have some long discussions ahead.  It can be ugly up there.......but I'm not afraid.  I KNOW I can do this!  I have had success with the weight loss journey before, and this time, I will have a pretty awesome tool on my side.

This also means, there may be changes in my social group. I will no longer be able to have people around me that try and sabotage my journey.  I am lucky because I have an amazing family and great group of friends.  I am already picky about who I let into my day to day life. (and if you are ready this...you are getting a glimpse into who I am!)  This blog is a way for me to hold myself accountable.  I know I will have cheerleaders along the way, friends who can't wait to go clothes shopping with me, friends who can't wait to go zip lining or para sailing, friends who will challenge me, call me out when I am making excuses.  Those are the people who I will keep around.

I am looking forward to being able to see those nasty numbers change for the better. 


  1. No zip lining or parasailing but we can bike ride!!

    1. Well....that would mean I need to learn how to ride a bike! :-)
