Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, June 27, 2016

Accountability........or not

Sooo....I belong to several FB support groups.  Two of the groups are local and have several people from my surrounding area.  I have put out there that I do better when I have someone holding me accountable (more so than the idea of losing money...I know, smh).  I have responded to a few people who say they want an accountability partner, and when I tell them I am flexible with times (thankfully work for an employer who allows me to flex my schedule when needed.)  I can walk in the morning, for an hour during the day or evenings. Weekdays and weekends.  There always seems to be an excuse.  So, do you really want someone to work out with, or are you using your schedule as an excuse?

Listen, I don't enjoy working out.  I have to force myself to go.  My summer is busy (nature of my job), but I am trying to be intentional with my workouts.  That means, getting my big butt out of my office chair and going to the gym mid morning.  This is not an easy feat for me!  Once my butt hits my chair, I hate leaving the office.  I am meeting up with an old friend tonight, so that means, no morning water class for me....instead, I went on a 3 mile walk with my pup this morning.  A friend asked me to do lunch tomorrow and I said, sure, I will just go to the gym after work instead of my water class.

WLS is a journey to a healthier life.  It is not an easy out, it is not a quick fix, it is simply a tool.  If I don't make the life changes now, and commit to the changes needed now, I will NEVER be successful after the surgery.  I know this about myself.  That is why I am glad there is a waiting period for the surgery.  It gives me time to make adjustments.  I don't want to wake up from surgery and have to give up everything at once.  I know it is going to be difficult for the first 3 months, trying to get used to the new size of my stomach.  If I am not exercising regularly already, it will be even harder for me to do so.

If you could only hear the conversations I have with myself when I am deciding to go to the gym, or not.  I am pretty convincing.  I am my own worst enemy.  I will sabotage myself every chance I get.  This time has to be different, this time WILL be different.

So if you are making excuses to not work our (what ever working out means to you), just stop.  Get out of the house, walk around the block, find a friend to walk with.

Clearly, what I have been doing my entire adult life, has not worked for me.  I need to get out of my own way and seize the life I want....only one person can make it happen!

I am not sure what changed between when I would I would step out of my comfort zone as a young adult and now.  What made me stop and worry about looking silly or goofy?  For those who knew me during my camp days.......I didn't care what I "looked" like.  I tried new things, I wasn't afraid to be silly or uncomfortable.  I WILL get that Gretchen back.

Stay tuned for my next chapter, my next adventure, the improved me, the me who seeks out things that are not in my comfort zone!

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