Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

What Questions Should I Be Asking?

Surgery is scary and serious!  We need to be our own advocates throughout the process.  I feel lucky to be part of the Comprehensive Obesity Management Program at GBMC. Everyone from the office staff, to the NUT, to the surgeons and the other patients are amazing! So willing to share any tips and tricks they have and they have a FB support group.  Dr. Dovac has even started a book club.

Sooo.....here are some questions I have come up with and "stolen" from others:

Questions about the Process
  • What type of support do you offer leading up to the surgery, during the surgery and after the surgery?
  • Will you work with the insurance company to ensure billing is handled correctly?
  •  How many nutritionist appointments do I need to have before I am approved for surgery?
  • Will I be required to lose any weight before the surgery?
  • How much weight can I expect to lose?
  • Can my new pouch stretch? 
  • How do I figure out weight loss percentage?
Questions about the Surgery and Recovery
  • What will the surgery and my stay in the hospital be like?
  • What type of anesthesia will be used?
  • Will I be in a lot of pain after surgery?
  • What will be done to relieve the pain?
  • What type of wound care will I have to do?
  • Will I have a drain?
  • What is the follow up appointment schedule like?
  • Can someone stay overnight with me in the hospital?
  • What should I pack to bring with me to the hospital?
  • Should I be prepared to take GasX strips? 
  • How do you close the stomach (Staples, Glue, Stitches)?
  • How do you close the incisions?
  • What size french bougie do you use? 
  • Will you use a catheter?
  • How many incisions and where will you make them? Which incision do you usually remove the remaining stomach out of?
  • Will I eventually need my gallbladder out post-op?  If so, do you recommend removing it during surgery for the sleeve?
After Surgery Questions
  • Will I be able to continue taking the medications I am currently one (birth control, etc.)?
  • What types of vitamins will I need to take and for how long?
  • What will my food progression look like after surgery? 
  • Does your program have a support group?
  • What resources can you recommend for me to help with food prep ideas and support?
  • When can I start working out again?
  • Will my birth control still be as effective?
  • How often should I be working out?
  • Do you work with any plastic surgeons you recommend or your patients have worked with?
  • How likely is it will insurance cover excess skin removal?

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