Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Creating Habits......1 day at a time

Soooo........I may have mentioned this before, but I really don't enjoy working out.  Once I get to the gym, I give it my all, but I really have to fight with myself to get my butt in the car and drive to the gym.

It is really important to me, that working out becomes a habit and 2nd nature to me before the surgery.  My activity will be limited a bit right after the surgery, so I want to get as strong as I can now, so when I am cleared for more rigorous activity, I won't be starting from scratch.

I am thankful to have found a few people to keep me motivated to get to the gym.

So, I have been thinking, how do I make these new life changes habits??  Here is some information and suggestions I found:

1. Decide on a goal that you would like to achieve for your health.
2. Choose a simple behavior that you can do on a daily basis that will get you towards your goal.
3. Plan when and where you will do your chosen behavior. Be consistent. Choose a time and a place or a cue that you encounter every day of the week.
4. Every time you encounter that time and place or cue, do the behavior.
5. Put a check mark on the calendar each time you do the behavior. Also record how automatic the behavior felt.
6. It will get easier with time. Within 10 weeks, you should find you are doing it automatically without even having to think about it.
7. Congratulate yourself on having developed a healthy habit! 

I decided to focus a little on #5.  Except, let's face it, a check mark on the calendar, just isn't going to cut it for me.....So I think I am going to do marbles in a jar.  Then for every 50 times I go to the gym, I will treat myself to a facial.

I think I am close to making the gym a habit.  I had someone ask if I was able to get together next week.  I am flying to Boston on Thursday and she is in town Monday through Friday.  The only night I was willing to forgo the gym was Tuesday (because I don't go regularly on Tuesdays yet).  Monday and Wednesday are circuit training classes.  I already know I will miss that class on the 25th because of what time my flight gets into BWI, so I didn't want to miss a class this week and another next week.  Not because I love it, because I don't!  But because I already see some changes and already feel a little stronger.  I want to maximize that.  I only have 4 classes (after tonight) left and will be excited to see my measurements.  I can do circuit training as part of my gym membership, BUT I really like the small group and this trainer is amazing!  She understands bariatric patients and explains why we do each exercise.  I may end up either doing her bootcamp or signing up for another 8 classes of circuit training! (Yep, I am in as much disbelief as you that I just wrote that!)

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