Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Water, water, water.......

Now that I have stopped drinking soda, the only thing I have been drinking is water (except for my DD iced coffee in the am on workdays).

The target # is 64oz.  On the days I go to the gym, I definitely exceed my goal.  Some people think, it is just a 64oz liquid intake, and to some extent it is.  I can use sugar free flavorings, diet caffeine free iced tea, etc.  I am not able to count anything that has protein it it towards my liquid intake.  So, this means, after surgery, when I am only on liquids, I not only have to get 80grams of protein in, I have to drink 64ozs of water.  That is a lot of liquid entering my body!  I am concerned about how to figure out how to time the amount of water I am drinking.  I saw these bottles and kind of like them......

Several people on etsy make them and personalize them.....I wonder if a group of people from my support group would like to get together for a crafting session???  Anyway, here is a link to etsy showing the different bottles.


But, here is my problem.  I have mentioned before that I am trying to work on not drinking 30 mins before, drinking during or drinking for 30 mins after I eat.  Why you ask?  There are 2 main reasons:
  1. When you only have 2/3 of your stomach, you need to make sure you have enough room for the 3oz of protein you need to take in during your meal.
  2. If you have water in your newly sized tummy, when you eat, it will flush the food out of your stomach faster and therefore, you will have a harder time getting the feeling of being full.
Check out this video for a great explanation.

Now, this is tough!  Why you ask?  Because for as long as I could remember, I was taught to drink lots of water before you eat so you aren't as hungry when you are shoveling food into your mouth........

UGH! So difficult.  I have decided this is the next habit I have to tackle.  Not really sure how to go about doing it, but the NUT today, recommended just starting with not ordering any drink with your meal if you are out or not bringing a drink to the table while you are eating.  Maybe, I will have to set a timer to go off 30 mins before I want to eat and for 30 mins after I stop eating.  Any suggestions?

Anyway.......with this new water habit, I need to stalk up on camelbak water bottles.  How is a girl to store all these bottles??  I saw this on someone's post and fell in love with it!  Now that I don't have a cabinet filled with baking items, I may actually have room to do something like this!

So this post is kind of jumbled with a few different thoughts, but at least they are all water related.

I can't believe that today was my 4th NUT appointment.  August 9th is my 5th appointment which will be an individual appointment with the NUT and THEN..............I will have my final with the surgeon in September and if all goes well, I should have a surgery date for something in October......

Okay, back to shopping for vitamins.

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