Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Back to life, Back to reality.......

I had such a great weekend visiting family and good friends.  I was able to connect with two girlfriends from high school, which is always a good time!  I also connected with two women I worked with at a girl scout camp 23 years ago! Such a great weekend!  But now it is time to get back to the grind!  My goal is to lose 20 lbs by October.

I definitely did not follow my plan while I was away.  I ate lots of great food, but most of it was not good for my body.  At least I started each day with a protein shake!  I definitely feel bloated and more lethargic than I had been feeling.  But, I only have me to blame. There is a reason I didn't weigh myself this morning.

My parents were extremely supportive and on the first night home, dad asked if him drinking a soda would bother me.  Then another night, mom asked if it would bother me if she put out Italian bread for dad.  Have I mentioned, I have the most amazing parents??

So I won't beat myself up for my choices the past few days, I will just get back to my routine and hard work to make some real life changes!  So even though my swimming pal won't be there tonight, this big girl is headed to the pool for Aqua Boot Camp...This time of year is busy at work, and I usually use that as an excuse to not eat healthy and not exercise.  This year, IS going to be different.  I have to make the right choices.  So that means, figuring out how to get to strength training at least 2 times a week and in the pool 3 times a week.  That leaves to "rest" days.  On the rest days, I still plan to do something intentional. I also have to start walking buildings/apartments at work, so that will get my steps in daily.  I have to inspect 144 apartments in 33 buildings.  I also use this time to make sure the storage spaces and mechanical rooms are up to my standards.

So.....please feel free to ask me tomorrow if I went to the pool tonight.  I need the accountability!

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