Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, July 18, 2016

Weekend Update with Gretchen.......

This past week, I only went to the gym 3 times (twice for circuit training and once for aqua boot camp).  I did some exercising at home, but not enough.  I can honestly say, my body felt it.  I was sluggish and lethargic. I just didn't feel right.  (OKAY, for those of you who said I would notice when I missed a work out, just HUSH!!!!)

Let me be clear, going to the gym isn't something I enjoy, BUT I do like the results.  I didn't realize how differently I have felt since I started intentionally exercising.  Funny how you don't always realize something until you change a behavior that makes your body react negatively. I am actually bummed that my strength training class is cancelled for tonight.  I can feel myself getting stronger, my muscles are not taking as long to recover and I know it is making a difference because my clothes are fitting differently.

So to those who said, suck it up, just keep going, it gets easier, I wouldn't saying it is easier, because when it becomes "easy", we increase the weight, but it isn't as hard as it was the first night I went.  It is also empowering to be with a group of women who know the struggle of being obese and trying to get our bodies healthy.  I would post a pic of our group, but some of the women are in the WLS closet.

Two other things I noticed over the weekend. I tend to skip meals when I am home on the weekends.  This is a big no no when you are trying to lose weight. I may have to start setting an alarm to remind myself to eat.  Skipping lunch often leads to me being incredibly hungry (and grumpy) when it comes time for dinner.  That usually leads to very poor food decisions.  I also don't drink nearly enough water.  I only got in 32 oz yesterday.  No bueno!
My friend sent this to me!  So true.

The second thing I noticed, is that over the weekend my support system is even more important. I need my workout pals to say, even though I won't be there, get your butt to class.  I need my friends to encourage me to make good food choices.  I even stay on the phone with my parents if I am craving fast food so I don't stop.  The people I have chosen to share my journey with, has changed from when I first started in April.  The unfortunate thing is some people will fall out of the circle as the journey continues.  Negativity will not be allowed.  Only people who support me getting healthy allowed!  No food or alcohol pushers please!

 My final weekend update is a scale victory.  I have no idea how different my scale at home is compared to my dr's scale, but when I weighed myself this morning, I was down another 12lbs since July 7th.  Now if my protein powder would just get here so I can continue drinking my shakes in the morning that would be great!

Only 3 work days and then I head to visit my family for a long weekend!

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