Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, July 11, 2016

"Last Supper"

 You hear people talk about their "last supper". This usually occurs 3 weeks before surgery (or right before your pre surgery diet is supposed to start, it is different with every surgeon).  Some people make their "last supper" last for the entire time leading up to the pre surgery diet.

I have been really intentional about changing habits now, so that I will not mourn them later.  It really is about changing your relationship with food.  Learning to eat to live, not live to eat.  For naturally thin people, this may not be a challenge, but for this big girl.......that is not how I have lived my life.  Our family gatherings  revolved around food, if you hear me talk about some of my favorite memories and trips, there is always food involved in the conversation.  My pal Brian and I used to get together every month to create meals....food, food, food, wine, food, wine!  That WAS how I planned my social gatherings.  I even belong to a brunching group.

I am going north next week and the trip has 2 purposes!  The main purpose is to spend the day with two of my dear friends that I used to work with at Camp Runels.  I was fortunate to meet up with Claire and her family last summer, on their drive back to NJ from DC, but I haven't seen Melissa since 1995.  These two women are amazing and are 2 of the reasons that summer at camp was a blast.  The 2nd reason, is to have my "last supper".  Even though my therapist is claiming, I am less of an emotional eater than I think I am......I call BULL!

So, while I am home, I plan to have fried clams from the Clambox in Ipswich AND Chinese food from Oriental Gardens. I acknowledge that after WLS, I will be able to have these foods again, if I choose, but they will have to be in moderation and I won't be able to eat much at one sitting.  To off set these very fattening foods....I plan to bring some protein powder with me and will grab some healthy snacks to keep in mom's fridge once I get there.  I am hoping to convince my sister to go on a few walks with me to get some steps in, seeing I will be missing 2 days at the gym.  (Aqua Boot Camp and Aqua Zumba).  I will be back to MD in time on the following Monday to make it to strength training and I will need it after my splurge, especially seeing I have my next weigh in on August 9th.

My guess is, I will have one more "last supper" this summer.  I have told myself that August 31st will be the last time I have alcohol for at least 1 year after the surgery.  UGH, I make it sound like I drink often, I don't, but I like have the option if I want it.  I have also told myself that August 31st will be the last DD iced coffee I have until 6 months after the surgery.  Even caffeine free coffee has acid in it, which increases the risk of ulcers in your new tummy! I have to remember that the first 12-18 months after surgery is the honeymoon period.  This is when the weight loss is the easiest and fastest.

This morning I was craving chicken and waffles, so maybe when my pal Beej comes to help with our student move in, we will enjoy Ms. Shirley's together!

 Off to drink my water....seeing I have 5 minutes to continue drinking before I have to stop for 30 mins.....UGH!

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