Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Reality vs Expectations = Disappointment

So have had 24 hours of up and down emotions.  Which landed me in disappointment valley!  I have 2 choices, I can hang out here OR I can focus on the great stuff happening.  I have decided to suck it up and focus on the good.

Let's start with the great news I received last night!  Take a look at my measurements.  I told you, a few posts back, that my numbers we re not pretty....but they are what they are.

Take a look at the total change!  Yep, you are reading that correctly, 8.5 total inches lost since June 29th.  Imagine what I can do if I actually worked out more consistently!  The chest, waist and neck are the numbers that I couldn't believe!  If this isn't motivation, I am not sure what is!

So here I was, on a high from my great night at the gym and so excited about my last nutrition appointment today.......and bam, I ended up in disappointment valley.  Apparently, according the the information COMP has, from my insurance, I still need another NUT appointment.  I was given the green light by NUT today and told I was ready to schedule with the surgeon.  All my testing was done, I lost my 5 lbs, I have added exercise and changed my eating habits......all was good to go!  And then.......I went to the receptionist and she popped my enthusiasm bubble.  Yep, one more NUT appointment and then I can do my final with Dr. Bello.  That means, I won't see him until October, which means, unless he has surgery opens quickly after that, I may not have surgery until November.  BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I have 2 choices, hang out with my disappointment or move forward.  Use this as an opportunity to lose more weight and inches.  I would love to lose another 20 lbs before I have the surgery.  I will continue to reinforce exercise as habit and keep eating the way I am.

I have to keep my eye on the prize......I am kicking myself for not starting this journey earlier.....but I know there are more changes in my future!
So....here I go, looking forward, pushing through and making things happen.

Thanks again for following my journey!  It helps me to know that people are paying attention.  You each provide me with a level of accountability!

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