Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, August 8, 2016

Being "real" at the gym

So, I have made it clear that I don't like going to the gym.  One reason I was hesitant to start going was because of the images that you see of people in the gym.  Let's face it, I am a big girl, I wiggle and jiggle. So, when I decided to start on this journey, I decided to start in the pool.  I am comfortable in the pool, confident in the pool, mostly because I have been swimming since before I could walk.

I didn't jump right into some of the more difficult classes, but started with the aqua arthritis classes.  I figured if someone twice my age could do it, so could I. I am hear to tell you......that class was no joke.  I definitely could feel my core working!  When I connected with someone from the GBMC COMP group, and we decided to try Aqua Zumba....I thought I was crazy.  I didn't love the class, it was good cardio, but the instructor was not great.  She never speaks.  Even though I thought I couldn't do it, I did!  During a class, I ended up talking with 2 women who said, I should try aqua boot camp. Boot camp?  Yep, I definitely thought those women were crazy.  But, I committed to going.  I don't love it, but I definitely feel it working and it helps that Mike (the instructor) isn't hard to look at!

Which brings me to the reason for this post.  The boot camp class is being filmed on Tuesday (for the gym's promotional stuff).  Mike has promised he won't make us get out of the pool, I guess because people have body image issues (which I certainly understand).  There are people who are choosing to skip class because of the filming, others who are choosing to wear clothes into the pool for the same reason.  My friend asked if I was wearing clothes....I said absolutely not, just my suit.  First of all, the class is not easy and I sure don't want to be weighed down by wet clothing.  Secondly, it is because gyms usually show "fit" people in their promotional ads and that is why I was so hesitant to join a gym.  At the beginning of my wls journey, I decided to be transparent about everything!  I wanted people to know that big people can get their butts to the gym and get healthy.  I definitely understand that not everyone is as confident as I am, but how are perceptions supposed to change, if we hide?  It is always more comfortable to work out with people more like us.  It is why I chose to do strength training with a trainer who works specifically with bariatric patients. BUT, I want to see more promo ads featuring real people.  Like these:

 I am sure you are aware of the reality shows that are surrounding obese people.  If Whitney and Ruby can get on camera and work out....so can we!  To be honest, I have never watched Whitney's show, but I used to watch Ruby religiously!  It is unfortunate, that these shows are "scripted" to where they are not showing all the ugly truths!  We all slip, we all cheat, we all fall......but that is why it is so important to make sure you have a support system.  Why shouldn't we see the real struggle?

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