Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, August 5, 2016

Thank you!

Today, I want to say thank you!  Thank you to my family and friends who love me enough to support me, but call me on my crap!  Thank you to the strangers I meet, and I tell about my journey, and they don't judge.  Thank you to the people in my circuit training class and aqua classes for not judging the big girl in the gym, but encouraging and pushing her to do better.  Thank you to my trainer who challenges me to believe I can do whatever she asks me to do!

It is unfortunate, but some people have already been weeded from my garden of life!  This is the time I get to put myself first and take care of me.  This is my journey and I want as many people, as I can have, on my side, but I won't have them there at my detriment.

Yesterday, the ADMIN, for one of the FB groups I belong to, said she didn't understand how some people would allow their friends and families to choose restaurants that they know bariatric patients can't enjoy.  Another member, said that as adults who chose this path, it is unfair for us to ask others to change their lifestyles.  I didn't get that from what the ADMIN was saying.  She was saying, be your own advocate, stand up for yourself, tell people what you need.

I agree, WLS is my choice, not my friends and family.  But I also know, that because I am picky about who I let in, my friends and family would never want to put me in a situation that made me uncomfortable or didn't allow me to enjoy the company of the people I am with.  Yes, I choose what goes into my mouth, yes I choose to stick to the plan, or not stick to the plan.  BUT, I would hope those that are supportive would have conversations with me, check in, see how I am feeling and ask what i need.  I do the same for each of them.  Of course, if I am invited somewhere, I offer to bring something, that way I know there will be one thing I can eat. 

I had asked the person who made the comment about me being selfish because I want my friends to support me in this journey and not choose fast food restaurants or be sensitive to my triggers, if she would bring an alcoholic friend to a bar and ask them to sit and watch her drink.  Told her, that maybe for her, food wasn't an addiction, but it is for many people who choose WLS.  She still didn't seem to understand my point and said it is about willpower and being an adult.  Yes willpower plays a role, yes taking responsibility for your own actions is important, but why would you put yourself in a position that could risk your "sobriety", especially early in the process.  Why would you choose to keep people in your world that would risk your "sobriety". I don't expect my friends to stop going to food truck gatherings or to wine festivals, I do expect them to respect my choice if I don't go.  I expect them to have an understanding that our friendship may need to shift and change, that the activities we once enjoyed together, may not be what I can do after the surgery.  I expect them to call me on my crap.

So THANK YOU!  Thank you for loving me enough help me get healthy and not allow me to continue killing myself.  Thank you for respecting me and our relationship!  Today, I am especially grateful for each and every one of you!

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