Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Myth Busting.....

Okay folks....a pound is a pound regardless of what is being weighed.  So therefore, muscle does not weigh more than fat.  If you are gaining weight, you can't say it is because you are gaining muscle. We have to be honest with ourselves. It is easy to convince yourself that you are gaining because of muscle.
Lot's of people get frustrated because the numbers on the scale don't move, my first response is, have you measured yourself?  I mentioned in an earlier post, that when I was measured at the gym, the first time, it wasn't pretty, but I am really glad I will have those numbers for when I stall on the scale.  Muscle is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space.  You see??  So when you trade the fat for muscle, your body will get smaller.  That is why exercising is so important!

We have been taught, to watch the number on the scale, and yest it is important, and of course my goal is to see that number drop, significantly.  But I also have to remember that sometimes, your body won't drop the weight, it will gain muscle and inches will disappear!  (Which reminds me, I really need to invest in a belt, my pants fell off walking down stairs last night.) I haven't stepped on a scale for 2 weeks, that is a no-no for me, because I want to make sure I am progressing.  I haven't weighed because, to be honest, I have only had 3 BMs in the past 2 weeks, so I know I am holding onto some weight.  (gross, I know!).

I have not been great at getting to the gym, but I am really proud of myself for making good food choices.  Usually this time of year, I am ordering cheese-steaks, mozzarella sticks, pasta, cake, etc.  Now, I made myself hungry, so off to eat a yogurt!

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