Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dear God.......

Okay.....I love God, I pray to him, believe in him and hope that he has a plan for us all as we walk through this life. I am a little upset with him right now.  (Don't worry, I have told him)  My cousin Jenny's husband was diagnosed with ALS last year.  Rob hasn't been in her life long enough, but as soon as he was diagnosed, they made the choice to fight and to live life with each other as best they could.  I am sitting at my desk, crying as I write this.  I am so angry!

Jenny is just 38 years old.  She has seen too much lose in her short life.  She is one of the strongest people I know.  She has been watching Rob slip away from her more and more each day.  They were married last year and you can see their love when they look at each other.  I watched Jenny change through pictures.  When she started seeing Rob, she was glowing.  She found someone who made her feel special, who loved her for who she is and she loved him right back.  Their commitment to one another, through it all  is inspiring.  Rob told Jenny that she could leave him, find someone else who wasn't ill.  Jenny didn't budge, she loved him.  You don't leave the people you love in their time of need.

On Sunday night, Rob stopped breathing and Jenny had to give her husband CPR.  NOT FAIR! Rob was rushed to the hospital and has been in ICU, unresponsive.  She has some very difficult decisions to make.  Just the other night, Rob and Jenny talked about Rob's wishes.  Not an easy conversation for anyone to have.  You have to love someone tremendously to say goodbye when you are not ready.  To say goodbye when time has been stolen from you because of a horrible disease. ALS is cruel and evil.
It breaks my heart that Rob will not be here to see a cure or treatment.  It breaks my heart to know Jenny has to say goodbye to someone else she loves. It breaks my heart to know that people with ALS can't do anything about their body betraying them.  I can't even imagine having my mind and knowing what is happening, but having my body fail. 

I am heartbroken that all I can do is spread the word about this cruel reality.  All I can do is pray that Jenny finds peace as she makes the most difficult decision of her life.  I know my Aunt Emma is going to great him in heaven with open arms.  I know Emma has watched how Rob has loved her daughter.  I am still angry with God.  It isn't fair.

So I ask that you send prayers into the universe so Jenny and Rob find peace through their journey.  I ask that you take the time to tell the people in your life that you love them.  Life is fragile and none of us know how long we will be roaming the earth.  Love does not conquer all, but it sure does help us through the difficult times.

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful heartfelt post. You have a family of fighters. ❤️ Your cousin sounds like a wonderful person. Prayers to her, her husband, and you too.
