Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ready for my "normal" schedule to return

I have not done a great job with putting myself first over the past month.  As I have mentioned, this is a busy time at work and as a leader, I feel guilty when I am not at work and my team members are.  It is not a justified guilt, but it is there non the less........

During "normal" times of the year, I try to leave the office at 4pm.  This allows me to get home, take care of my pup and then head out to the gym (or whatever activity I have planned).  Of course, I have been feeling guilty that my pup is not getting enough time with me........My plan is to get back to my schedule after August 26th.

So that means, working 8am-4pm, Circuit Training Monday and Wednesday 6:30pm-7:30pm, Aqua Boot Camp Tuesday and Thursday 6:30pm-7:30pm and Saturday 7:45am-8:45am.  That leaves Friday night for friends, Saturday afternoon and Sunday to take care of my personal errands (laundry, food shopping, pet store, training with the pup, etc.)

Even though, I don't enjoy working out, I like the results.  It is frustrating when I have all intentions of hitting the gym and work gets in the way!  UGH....whether it is a parent who needs some hand holding, or the staff who neglected to tell us we needed more mattresses (that was today's drama), just seems I can't get out of the office these days.

The good news is, I walked 21 out of 33 buildings (no elevators), so lots of steps and calories burned.  I am glad that I am not missing Aqua Bootcamp (the pool is closed for cleaning this week).  It is hard to stay motivated when you are over tired.  I am proud that I haven't chosen poor food choices during this time, that is a big change for me.  I will admit, I have been enjoying some alcohol, BUT I had given myself the deadline of September 1st to stop drinking alcohol (I am still pre op) and don't have a scheduled date yet, but hoping it will be at the end of October.

Next week, there will still be some late nights, because we have several residents who have chosen to not move in until next week, BUT the pool will be open again on Monday, so I will be back to circuit training 2 days a week and aqua bootcamp 3 days a week.  This girl has to get another 10 lbs off before surgery!

My cravings are torturing me....so I am trying to keep my protein intake high to keep me satisfied and trying to remind myself, it is head hunger, not physical hunger.  It is my mind trying to get me to fall into my old habits of snaking on salty/sweet items and chasing them with diet Dr. Pepper.......

Here's to finding normalcy sooner rather than later!

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