Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, August 29, 2016

Carb Overload

So.........as I was driving to Wegmans this weekend, I had to drive by the Amish Market........

First, how the heck have I NEVER been there in the 10 years I have lived here???  I go to the garden center right next to it all the time.  Now, I am convinced it is a good thing, that this magical location has not been part of my world.  I am telling you....it is dangerous in there!

My all time favorite junk food snack is a soft pretzel.  I don't care if it is with mustard, plain, with something sweet and gooey, covered in crab dip.......you get the picture.  I have heard the soft pretzels in the market are delicious.  Well.....I heard correctly.

Unfortunately, the pretzel was the beginning of my downfall.  I ended up carb overloading this weekend.  I know, I know......not a good move.  BUT I did learn a valuable lesson.  Simple carbs make me feel like CRAP!  I have felt sluggish, irritable, sleepy, nauseous and crampy. Now, I definitely didn't look as cute as this puppy during my food coma state. 

I am also still feeling the effects as I sit here and can see my tummy is a little distended.  Of course, while my carb overloading was occurring, a little voice in my head kept saying, It's okay, you are going no starch, no alcohol on September 1st.  Just enjoy this while you can. 

Listen to me little voice.......stop it right this minute!  I have worked way too hard over the last 5 months to allow you to sabotage me.  I know what this is about.  The surgery date is getting closer and you are nervous.  Well TOUGH!  We are doing this to make our lives better, to give us a 2nd chance at the life we want to have.  To live longer and healthier.  Trust me, we will be happy when we see more changes (for the better). So, put down the pretzel and walk away...no run away! (okay, done with scolding myself).

As I have previously, it is sometimes easier to just give in.....to not try and change.....but I promised myself (and all of you), that I would not backslide this time.  So.........I will pretend today is September 1st. (at least for the no starches).  I do have a few more alcoholic drinks to enjoy over the next few days.

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