Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WLS and Cholecystectomy

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between weight loss surgery and the need for a cholecystectomy?

Okay....you are probably asking what a cholecystectomy is.  I know I didn't know the medical term, I always just called it gallbladder removal surgery.  Yep, rapid weight loss is a major factor for the development of gall stones (cholecystitis).  They have done a study of patients who underwent cholecystectomy after WLS.  The study occurred on patients who had WLS surgery and then their gallbladder removed between 2005 and 2011.

The risk for having to have your gallbladder removed is highest within the first 6 months after WLS.  Gastric Bypass patients have the highest risk, but the overall percentage of WLS patients needing a cholecystectomy is around 4%.

Interesting....this is never a question I would have thought to ask if I hadn't been part of so many support groups.

This makes me wonder, what else I should be asking in my final appointment..........


Monday, August 29, 2016

Carb Overload

So.........as I was driving to Wegmans this weekend, I had to drive by the Amish Market........

First, how the heck have I NEVER been there in the 10 years I have lived here???  I go to the garden center right next to it all the time.  Now, I am convinced it is a good thing, that this magical location has not been part of my world.  I am telling you....it is dangerous in there!

My all time favorite junk food snack is a soft pretzel.  I don't care if it is with mustard, plain, with something sweet and gooey, covered in crab dip.......you get the picture.  I have heard the soft pretzels in the market are delicious.  Well.....I heard correctly.

Unfortunately, the pretzel was the beginning of my downfall.  I ended up carb overloading this weekend.  I know, I know......not a good move.  BUT I did learn a valuable lesson.  Simple carbs make me feel like CRAP!  I have felt sluggish, irritable, sleepy, nauseous and crampy. Now, I definitely didn't look as cute as this puppy during my food coma state. 

I am also still feeling the effects as I sit here and can see my tummy is a little distended.  Of course, while my carb overloading was occurring, a little voice in my head kept saying, It's okay, you are going no starch, no alcohol on September 1st.  Just enjoy this while you can. 

Listen to me little voice.......stop it right this minute!  I have worked way too hard over the last 5 months to allow you to sabotage me.  I know what this is about.  The surgery date is getting closer and you are nervous.  Well TOUGH!  We are doing this to make our lives better, to give us a 2nd chance at the life we want to have.  To live longer and healthier.  Trust me, we will be happy when we see more changes (for the better). So, put down the pretzel and walk away...no run away! (okay, done with scolding myself).

As I have previously, it is sometimes easier to just give in.....to not try and change.....but I promised myself (and all of you), that I would not backslide this time.  So.........I will pretend today is September 1st. (at least for the no starches).  I do have a few more alcoholic drinks to enjoy over the next few days.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Reality is setting in

I can't believe it........WLS is becoming a reality.  I started the journey at the end of March with an information session, because I promised my PCP I would.  Then I met with Dr. Bello in April and I was still saying, no problem Gretchen, use the next 6 months as a time to really decide what you want to do and learn some new habits along the way.  Admittedly, about 4 months ago, I knew I was going to move forward with the surgery.  I started make positive life changes and seeing the change in my body solidified for me, that WLS was going to be the way to go.  I know I can lose the weight without the tool, but I have proven over and over again, that I haven't been able to maintain the weight loss.  I NEVER want to regain again!  Today, my reality began to creep up a little closer.  I received the call from GBMC COMP that said Dr. Bello approved my final appointment and that I could make it for as soon as the first week in October. 

I will admit, I teared up a little bit.  I was in a training session, so as soon as I had a break, I called and scheduled for October 6th!  UGH......now I am happier than ever that I gave myself September 1st as my cut off for alcohol and starch.  Last month, I was disappointed because I was starting to think my surgery wouldn't happen until late November.....now I am hopeful it will occur at the end of October. 

Sigh........it is amazing and terrifying to think that by the end of October, I may have a new tool to take my life back.  It is crazy to think that this time next year, I could be down over 100 lbs.  That is like loosing an entire person!  So......today, I will force myself to get in the car, drive to the gym, lift some weights, let my trainer push me and know.....that as the journey continues, as my body keeps changing........living day to day life WILL become easier.  Next step, figuring out how to navigate the world in a new shell.......I am guessing I will need some professional help with that and I am pretty sure, I will be asking Dr. Giggey to assist me!

So here's to the continued journey to healthier curves!  I hope those in my world continue to stick around for the next part of the journey.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Operation no more alcohol (for at least a year) has commenced!

I have to say that the life change (due to WLS), that I get the most comments about is no alcohol for at least 1 year post surgery.  I know I talk about drinking often and I love going to beer and wine festivals, BUT realistically I don't drink very often.  Of course I like have the option!  So, when I made the decision to do WLS, I told myself that September 1st would be the beginning of my alcohol free period.  It will help with the liver reduction diet and prepare me for the year ahead.

I still don't have a surgery date, but I am hoping it will be at the end of October.  I have my final nutritionist appointment on September 9th, with the hopes of scheduling with the surgeon for the beginning of October.  Ideally, I would like to be on soft foods by Thanksgiving.

So I have asked my friends to take some of the wine and alcohol I have on hand out of my house so I am not tempted.  I know, my friends are pretty amazing, they are taking one for the team and gladly accepted the challenge.  Last week, I was able to gift 5 bottles to my friend Brian.  Just need a few more friends to shop in my wine collection and I will be good!  I am keeping a few bottles of my favorites.  Of course, they will end up lasting me a while after surgery.

After surgery, alcohol will be 4 times as potent than before surgery.  That means, I will reach legal intoxication quickly.  Currently, my rule is no driving after 1 drink.  My new rule will be no driving after any drinks.

People say, why a year without alcohol?  I have mentioned before that the first 12-18 months is the honeymoon period.  Your new tummy is doing the heavy lifting for you (you increase the weight loss amount, by eating on program and working out).  Even though alcohol is partly metabolized in our stomach, it continues to be metabolized in our small intestines.  As the food is processed in our stomachs, it is slowly pushed into the small intestines and if you are drinking alcohol, that fills up the voids and follows the food into the small intestines.  So you are getting a steady flow of alcohol because the food is processed slowly over time.  This is why you feel drunk quicker on an empty stomach.  Not to mention, most alcohol is filled with carbohydrates, which is a no no for WLS patients.

I am amazed at the number of posts from people that are drinking 1 month out of surgery.  I don't understand.  Why put your body through major surgery to sabotage yourself.  These are the same people who tend to complain about the psych eval.  I may complain about having to wait over 6 months to have the surgery, but I also know it has provided me with time to get my head right, to get my bad habits under control and get my big ole booty into the gym.  I wish more people would take the time to prepare.  Insurance would be less likely to have WLS as an exclusion in most policies, there would be less need for revisions and WLS wouldn't be perceived as an easy way out.  It is just a tool, not a magic pill.

Morbidly obese people didn't get to be morbidly obese because our relationship with food was healthy.  For the first time in all my years of "dieting" I don't feel like I am on a diet.  I feel like I am choosing a better lifestyle.  I am choosing life over food. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ready for my "normal" schedule to return

I have not done a great job with putting myself first over the past month.  As I have mentioned, this is a busy time at work and as a leader, I feel guilty when I am not at work and my team members are.  It is not a justified guilt, but it is there non the less........

During "normal" times of the year, I try to leave the office at 4pm.  This allows me to get home, take care of my pup and then head out to the gym (or whatever activity I have planned).  Of course, I have been feeling guilty that my pup is not getting enough time with me........My plan is to get back to my schedule after August 26th.

So that means, working 8am-4pm, Circuit Training Monday and Wednesday 6:30pm-7:30pm, Aqua Boot Camp Tuesday and Thursday 6:30pm-7:30pm and Saturday 7:45am-8:45am.  That leaves Friday night for friends, Saturday afternoon and Sunday to take care of my personal errands (laundry, food shopping, pet store, training with the pup, etc.)

Even though, I don't enjoy working out, I like the results.  It is frustrating when I have all intentions of hitting the gym and work gets in the way!  UGH....whether it is a parent who needs some hand holding, or the staff who neglected to tell us we needed more mattresses (that was today's drama), just seems I can't get out of the office these days.

The good news is, I walked 21 out of 33 buildings (no elevators), so lots of steps and calories burned.  I am glad that I am not missing Aqua Bootcamp (the pool is closed for cleaning this week).  It is hard to stay motivated when you are over tired.  I am proud that I haven't chosen poor food choices during this time, that is a big change for me.  I will admit, I have been enjoying some alcohol, BUT I had given myself the deadline of September 1st to stop drinking alcohol (I am still pre op) and don't have a scheduled date yet, but hoping it will be at the end of October.

Next week, there will still be some late nights, because we have several residents who have chosen to not move in until next week, BUT the pool will be open again on Monday, so I will be back to circuit training 2 days a week and aqua bootcamp 3 days a week.  This girl has to get another 10 lbs off before surgery!

My cravings are torturing me....so I am trying to keep my protein intake high to keep me satisfied and trying to remind myself, it is head hunger, not physical hunger.  It is my mind trying to get me to fall into my old habits of snaking on salty/sweet items and chasing them with diet Dr. Pepper.......

Here's to finding normalcy sooner rather than later!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dear God.......

Okay.....I love God, I pray to him, believe in him and hope that he has a plan for us all as we walk through this life. I am a little upset with him right now.  (Don't worry, I have told him)  My cousin Jenny's husband was diagnosed with ALS last year.  Rob hasn't been in her life long enough, but as soon as he was diagnosed, they made the choice to fight and to live life with each other as best they could.  I am sitting at my desk, crying as I write this.  I am so angry!

Jenny is just 38 years old.  She has seen too much lose in her short life.  She is one of the strongest people I know.  She has been watching Rob slip away from her more and more each day.  They were married last year and you can see their love when they look at each other.  I watched Jenny change through pictures.  When she started seeing Rob, she was glowing.  She found someone who made her feel special, who loved her for who she is and she loved him right back.  Their commitment to one another, through it all  is inspiring.  Rob told Jenny that she could leave him, find someone else who wasn't ill.  Jenny didn't budge, she loved him.  You don't leave the people you love in their time of need.

On Sunday night, Rob stopped breathing and Jenny had to give her husband CPR.  NOT FAIR! Rob was rushed to the hospital and has been in ICU, unresponsive.  She has some very difficult decisions to make.  Just the other night, Rob and Jenny talked about Rob's wishes.  Not an easy conversation for anyone to have.  You have to love someone tremendously to say goodbye when you are not ready.  To say goodbye when time has been stolen from you because of a horrible disease. ALS is cruel and evil.
It breaks my heart that Rob will not be here to see a cure or treatment.  It breaks my heart to know Jenny has to say goodbye to someone else she loves. It breaks my heart to know that people with ALS can't do anything about their body betraying them.  I can't even imagine having my mind and knowing what is happening, but having my body fail. 

I am heartbroken that all I can do is spread the word about this cruel reality.  All I can do is pray that Jenny finds peace as she makes the most difficult decision of her life.  I know my Aunt Emma is going to great him in heaven with open arms.  I know Emma has watched how Rob has loved her daughter.  I am still angry with God.  It isn't fair.

So I ask that you send prayers into the universe so Jenny and Rob find peace through their journey.  I ask that you take the time to tell the people in your life that you love them.  Life is fragile and none of us know how long we will be roaming the earth.  Love does not conquer all, but it sure does help us through the difficult times.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Reality vs Expectations = Disappointment

So have had 24 hours of up and down emotions.  Which landed me in disappointment valley!  I have 2 choices, I can hang out here OR I can focus on the great stuff happening.  I have decided to suck it up and focus on the good.

Let's start with the great news I received last night!  Take a look at my measurements.  I told you, a few posts back, that my numbers we re not pretty....but they are what they are.

Take a look at the total change!  Yep, you are reading that correctly, 8.5 total inches lost since June 29th.  Imagine what I can do if I actually worked out more consistently!  The chest, waist and neck are the numbers that I couldn't believe!  If this isn't motivation, I am not sure what is!

So here I was, on a high from my great night at the gym and so excited about my last nutrition appointment today.......and bam, I ended up in disappointment valley.  Apparently, according the the information COMP has, from my insurance, I still need another NUT appointment.  I was given the green light by NUT today and told I was ready to schedule with the surgeon.  All my testing was done, I lost my 5 lbs, I have added exercise and changed my eating habits......all was good to go!  And then.......I went to the receptionist and she popped my enthusiasm bubble.  Yep, one more NUT appointment and then I can do my final with Dr. Bello.  That means, I won't see him until October, which means, unless he has surgery opens quickly after that, I may not have surgery until November.  BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I have 2 choices, hang out with my disappointment or move forward.  Use this as an opportunity to lose more weight and inches.  I would love to lose another 20 lbs before I have the surgery.  I will continue to reinforce exercise as habit and keep eating the way I am.

I have to keep my eye on the prize......I am kicking myself for not starting this journey earlier.....but I know there are more changes in my future!
So....here I go, looking forward, pushing through and making things happen.

Thanks again for following my journey!  It helps me to know that people are paying attention.  You each provide me with a level of accountability!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Being "real" at the gym

So, I have made it clear that I don't like going to the gym.  One reason I was hesitant to start going was because of the images that you see of people in the gym.  Let's face it, I am a big girl, I wiggle and jiggle. So, when I decided to start on this journey, I decided to start in the pool.  I am comfortable in the pool, confident in the pool, mostly because I have been swimming since before I could walk.

I didn't jump right into some of the more difficult classes, but started with the aqua arthritis classes.  I figured if someone twice my age could do it, so could I. I am hear to tell you......that class was no joke.  I definitely could feel my core working!  When I connected with someone from the GBMC COMP group, and we decided to try Aqua Zumba....I thought I was crazy.  I didn't love the class, it was good cardio, but the instructor was not great.  She never speaks.  Even though I thought I couldn't do it, I did!  During a class, I ended up talking with 2 women who said, I should try aqua boot camp. Boot camp?  Yep, I definitely thought those women were crazy.  But, I committed to going.  I don't love it, but I definitely feel it working and it helps that Mike (the instructor) isn't hard to look at!

Which brings me to the reason for this post.  The boot camp class is being filmed on Tuesday (for the gym's promotional stuff).  Mike has promised he won't make us get out of the pool, I guess because people have body image issues (which I certainly understand).  There are people who are choosing to skip class because of the filming, others who are choosing to wear clothes into the pool for the same reason.  My friend asked if I was wearing clothes....I said absolutely not, just my suit.  First of all, the class is not easy and I sure don't want to be weighed down by wet clothing.  Secondly, it is because gyms usually show "fit" people in their promotional ads and that is why I was so hesitant to join a gym.  At the beginning of my wls journey, I decided to be transparent about everything!  I wanted people to know that big people can get their butts to the gym and get healthy.  I definitely understand that not everyone is as confident as I am, but how are perceptions supposed to change, if we hide?  It is always more comfortable to work out with people more like us.  It is why I chose to do strength training with a trainer who works specifically with bariatric patients. BUT, I want to see more promo ads featuring real people.  Like these:

 I am sure you are aware of the reality shows that are surrounding obese people.  If Whitney and Ruby can get on camera and work out....so can we!  To be honest, I have never watched Whitney's show, but I used to watch Ruby religiously!  It is unfortunate, that these shows are "scripted" to where they are not showing all the ugly truths!  We all slip, we all cheat, we all fall......but that is why it is so important to make sure you have a support system.  Why shouldn't we see the real struggle?

Friday, August 5, 2016

Thank you!

Today, I want to say thank you!  Thank you to my family and friends who love me enough to support me, but call me on my crap!  Thank you to the strangers I meet, and I tell about my journey, and they don't judge.  Thank you to the people in my circuit training class and aqua classes for not judging the big girl in the gym, but encouraging and pushing her to do better.  Thank you to my trainer who challenges me to believe I can do whatever she asks me to do!

It is unfortunate, but some people have already been weeded from my garden of life!  This is the time I get to put myself first and take care of me.  This is my journey and I want as many people, as I can have, on my side, but I won't have them there at my detriment.

Yesterday, the ADMIN, for one of the FB groups I belong to, said she didn't understand how some people would allow their friends and families to choose restaurants that they know bariatric patients can't enjoy.  Another member, said that as adults who chose this path, it is unfair for us to ask others to change their lifestyles.  I didn't get that from what the ADMIN was saying.  She was saying, be your own advocate, stand up for yourself, tell people what you need.

I agree, WLS is my choice, not my friends and family.  But I also know, that because I am picky about who I let in, my friends and family would never want to put me in a situation that made me uncomfortable or didn't allow me to enjoy the company of the people I am with.  Yes, I choose what goes into my mouth, yes I choose to stick to the plan, or not stick to the plan.  BUT, I would hope those that are supportive would have conversations with me, check in, see how I am feeling and ask what i need.  I do the same for each of them.  Of course, if I am invited somewhere, I offer to bring something, that way I know there will be one thing I can eat. 

I had asked the person who made the comment about me being selfish because I want my friends to support me in this journey and not choose fast food restaurants or be sensitive to my triggers, if she would bring an alcoholic friend to a bar and ask them to sit and watch her drink.  Told her, that maybe for her, food wasn't an addiction, but it is for many people who choose WLS.  She still didn't seem to understand my point and said it is about willpower and being an adult.  Yes willpower plays a role, yes taking responsibility for your own actions is important, but why would you put yourself in a position that could risk your "sobriety", especially early in the process.  Why would you choose to keep people in your world that would risk your "sobriety". I don't expect my friends to stop going to food truck gatherings or to wine festivals, I do expect them to respect my choice if I don't go.  I expect them to have an understanding that our friendship may need to shift and change, that the activities we once enjoyed together, may not be what I can do after the surgery.  I expect them to call me on my crap.

So THANK YOU!  Thank you for loving me enough help me get healthy and not allow me to continue killing myself.  Thank you for respecting me and our relationship!  Today, I am especially grateful for each and every one of you!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Myth Busting.....

Okay folks....a pound is a pound regardless of what is being weighed.  So therefore, muscle does not weigh more than fat.  If you are gaining weight, you can't say it is because you are gaining muscle. We have to be honest with ourselves. It is easy to convince yourself that you are gaining because of muscle.
Lot's of people get frustrated because the numbers on the scale don't move, my first response is, have you measured yourself?  I mentioned in an earlier post, that when I was measured at the gym, the first time, it wasn't pretty, but I am really glad I will have those numbers for when I stall on the scale.  Muscle is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space.  You see??  So when you trade the fat for muscle, your body will get smaller.  That is why exercising is so important!

We have been taught, to watch the number on the scale, and yest it is important, and of course my goal is to see that number drop, significantly.  But I also have to remember that sometimes, your body won't drop the weight, it will gain muscle and inches will disappear!  (Which reminds me, I really need to invest in a belt, my pants fell off walking down stairs last night.) I haven't stepped on a scale for 2 weeks, that is a no-no for me, because I want to make sure I am progressing.  I haven't weighed because, to be honest, I have only had 3 BMs in the past 2 weeks, so I know I am holding onto some weight.  (gross, I know!).

I have not been great at getting to the gym, but I am really proud of myself for making good food choices.  Usually this time of year, I am ordering cheese-steaks, mozzarella sticks, pasta, cake, etc.  Now, I made myself hungry, so off to eat a yogurt!

Myth Busting.....

Okay folks....a pound is a pound regardless of what is being weighed.  So therefore, muscle does not weigh more than fat.  If you are gaining weight, you can't say it is because you are gaining muscle. We have to be honest with ourselves. It is easy to convince yourself that you are gaining because of muscle.
Lot's of people get frustrated because the numbers on the scale don't move, my first response is, have you measured yourself?  I mentioned in an earlier post, that when I was measured at the gym, the first time, it wasn't pretty, but I am really glad I will have those numbers for when I stall on the scale.  Muscle is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space.  You see??  So when you trade the fat for muscle, your body will get smaller.  That is why exercising is so important!

We have been taught, to watch the number on the scale, and yest it is important, and of course my goal is to see that number drop, significantly.  But I also have to remember that sometimes, your body won't drop the weight, it will gain muscle and inches will disappear!  (Which reminds me, I really need to invest in a belt, my pants fell off walking down stairs last night.) I haven't stepped on a scale for 2 weeks, that is a no-no for me, because I want to make sure I am progressing.  I haven't weighed because, to be honest, I have only had 3 BMs in the past 2 weeks, so I know I am holding onto some weight.  (gross, I know!).

I have not been great at getting to the gym, but I am really proud of myself for making good food choices.  Usually this time of year, I am ordering cheese-steaks, mozzarella sticks, pasta, cake, etc.  Now, I made myself hungry, so off to eat a yogurt!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Weigh Not Want Not

Lately, I have been wondering what an estimated amount of weight I will lose just form the surgery.  So I found this tool to illustrate the possible weight loss based on my excess weight and height.

It is crazy to think that in 12-15 months I could lose 160 lbs......I am pretty sure the last time I was under 300lbs was when I was in college.  When I was in Texas (1997 through 2000), I gained 70 lbs and I remember going to the gyn and when they told me my weight (385), I was shocked.  From that point on I didn't step on a scale.  It wasn't until 2011 when I went to a dr. that I realized I was over 400lbs.  My goal weight loss is 242lbs.  UGH, that seems impossible.  So I will focus on goal #1 which is 160 lbs lost.  Still seems like a little out of reach, but I have friends who have lost over 100 lbs at just 6 or 7 months out from surgery.  So, I got this, it is why I decided to have the surgery so I could have another tool to help me along the way.

Me at what I think was my highest weight.

Me at my smallest I remember.  I think I was in the 7th grade.