Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The effect of weightloss surgery on relationships

I came across an article today that indicates, weight loss surgery may not be great for marriages and families. 


This is what I have to say about that.....of course it can.  Everything we choose to do in life has the potential to impact our relationships negatively.  But here is a novel idea...communicate with those you love about what is happening.  We are human, so there are always going to be insecurities.

Will my partner still want me when they are in a smaller shell.  Will the attention, they may get from others, make them want to stray.  Will I still be attracted to my partner after they lose the weight.  How is our dynamic going to change.

I have seen opposing posts in the online support groups I follow.  Some say, their relationship has been ruined and others say, it has just become much stronger.  I think it depends on the status of your relationship before you have the surgery.

I have had to re-evaluate some of my friendships and realize, the only thing we had in common was food and alcohol.  Well, that isn't going to work for me any longer. I have friends who have already hinted that they are jealous I will be smaller than I am now.  Guess what, I am not going to be the jovial fat friend anymore.  I will just be the jovial friend who now is in a different shell.

My life changes, helped to push my dad to stop smoking.....so why can't we find the positive in the changes we choose to make ourselves healthier?

Relationships shouldn't be stagnant.  They should grow and change as people grow and change.  Someone who loves you, should want you to be around as long as possible.  They should want you to be the vest version of you, that you can be.

I say, kick those people, who aren't on board with your new life, to the curb!

jumping off my soapbox now

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