Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Love my GYN

Had my annual with my GYN today.  I LOVE her.  It is one of the reasons, I have not jumped at opportunities to move way from the area. Good doctors are not easy to find and I have been very lucky since I moved to MD.

So my big question for her today was......what am I going to do about birth control seeing I have been off now for 2 weeks AND have to be off for 4 weeks after surgery.  Condoms are not 100% and let's face it, abstinence doesn't sound so fun either. (sorry mom and dad). She also said, silly surgeons, don't they understand a female cycle is 4 weeks, not 6.  You can't be off your pills for 6 weeks, it would need to be 4 or 8.  Seriously, she is so real and fantastic!

This woman doesn't want a baby....so we talked about options.  She highly recommend an IUD.  She actually wanted to insert one today.  Then she decided to let me get through Friday first and then if the bleeding is crazy, to call her.  She was thrilled I am doing the surgery and said GBMC's program is the best, in her opinion.  Of course, she is good friends with Dr. Dovec.

I love the idea that I wouldn't have a period for 5 years, BUT have heard nightmare stories about the IUD.  I will just wait it out and see what happens with my cycle. 

When I was leaving she said "You are ovulating so no sex for you okay?  I said, don't worry, as of tomorrow, I will be with my parents through the end of December."  She laughed. 

So.....just one more big decision to make about my body over the next couple of weeks.

3 days.........

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I stumbled on your blog a few weeks ago and have been looking forward to your posts. I'm am have the same surgery in 10 days and all of the things you are posting is exactly what I am experiencing :) Good luck for surgery and I look forward to hearing about your successes. Bless, Kim
