Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I can't believe the countdown is at 16 days already!  Crazy!

I have started my no starch diet.......and I feel better already and it has only been a few days.

Friday will be my last Dunkin Iced Coffee until May.

Monday, I start on liquids only.....except, I will indulge a little on Thanksgiving!  So lots of soup, lots of jello, lots of Popsicles,  and lots of protein shakes.

On the 26th, I will start clear liquids.  I am only required to do 48 hours of clear, but my surgeon recommend at least 5 days.

I start working from home on the 30th and then that is also the day my parents will arrive.  AND it is the last circuit training class before surgery.  I am looking forward to having my measurements done on the 30th, so when I get back to the gym in January, I can see how many inches I have lost.

I only have 5 more nights of circuit training and 3 more opportunities to get my butt back in the pool.

I am down another 6 pounds and yesterday, I got the best compliment.  My friend hugged me and said, you are feeling smaller!  It is the little moments you have to hold onto, especially when you are not seeing a change in the mirror.

Last night, my girlfriend was talking to her colleagues and sent them a picture of us from last night.  They said, I looked great and then one of them told her she felt guilty for eating an Oreo cookie. She then said she was creating a hashtag #loseitlikeGretchen.  I love it!

 I have a business trip at the end of January and I am hoping, I won't need the seat belt extender for the flight.  I may end up crying if that happens! 

I am going to work on a goal board when my mom gets here.  She is crafty and good with stuff like that.  Although losing the weight and inches will be motivation, I am looking forward to rewarding myself with little things along the way.

Pretty soon, I will be posting, saying I will see you on the other side when I make it to the loser's bench!

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