Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, November 28, 2016

Liquid in, liquid out is NO joke!

So, I have started my self inflicted clear liquid diet.  I did it, because I wasn't perfect the past 3 weeks with my no starches.  I feel really guilty about it and worried my liver won't be small enough.........

I started on Saturday, but did have a protein packed late lunch.  But, I have had nothing but Atkins Lift water, broth and jello since!

I used to love soups. I am pretty sure, after the liquid phases of this process, I may never eat soup again. 

I intentionally decided to work from home on Wednesday and Thursday, knowing that I would need to have the bathroom as close as possible.  That was when I thought I was just going to do the 2 days of clears.  Let's just say........I had to go home to change today.  Yep, liquid in, liquid out!  GROSS, but a part of the process.  No wonder people the people from other programs, who have much longer liquid diet requirements, drop so much what prior to surgery.  I have lost 1 lb since yesterday morning.  

I am looking forward to my mom and dad getting here on Wednesday.  My mom has definitely kicked into care taker mode already.  When I told her I was wavering with my decision, wondering what the hell I was about to do to my body, she said, " You will continue to have the moments, and that's okay." I know she will make sure I am walking, drinking water, getting in protein, and resting. 

Through this clear liquid process, I have learned that the college Gretchen was crazy!  How the heck did I do jello shots....jello is disgusting!  But, I will suck it up and force it down to make sure I am getting in enough fluids.  But, seriously, YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much to do for work before the end of business tomorrow.  I can't believe how these 2 months have flown by!

4 days!

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