Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, November 7, 2016

25 days........

Wow.......only 25 days until I am headed to the hospital to give myself a 2nd chance at life!

Time is flying and I am just ready to stop preparing and start the next part of the journey.

I have everything purchased, except the protein water.  Just haven't decided if I am going to do Isopure or Atkins Lift.

I had my pre-op physical today, and Dr. Dow has approved me for surgery.  My blood pressure was a little high today, but she thinks it may be because I had just finished my iced coffee.  She isn't concerned about it being a problem for surgery.  My EKG was great.  She is still waiting for my blood work to come back, but she doesn't think it will show anything.

I won't see her for another 3 months and I am hoping at that time, I will be able to be weighed on her office scale.  I warned her, if that happens, I will CRY! That will be such a huge milestone.

I did learn today that vitamin E could cause your blood to thin, so she told me to stop taking any multi-vitamins just to be safe.  This entire journey has been an education!

I am getting nervous about stopping my birth control pill, not because of pregnancy risk, but because it helps to regulate my cycle, which is a hot mess without it.  I know that it is important because of the risk of blood clots and the fact that my hormones are going to need time to adjust after the surgery.  Thankfully, I have an appointment with my gyn before the surgery.  Hopefully she will have a suggestion for me.

So....here is to another 25 days of waiting.  That also means I have 7 more nights of strength training and 8 more aqua bootcamp classes.......UGH!  It is getting real!

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