Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

You can not stretch your stomach after surgery!

Okay......I just want people to stop saying they have stretched out their new stomachs.  It is not stretched, you have just hit a place where your hunger signals are coming back and the capacity in your stomach is not up to 1 1/2 cups where as someone who has not had surgery usually can hold 4-6 cups of food in their stomach.

Here is a good video explaining why bariatric surgery helps people lose weight.

I found it fascinating that when you are put under anethesia for the surgery, your body knows it's current normal weight is the weight you are at, so it fights to stay there.  BUT when you wake up, your body automatically adjusts to what it believes the new normal should be and increases its metabolism and decreases your hunger cues.  Isn't the human body amazing?? 

I know I have mentioned it before.....BUT as the doctor in the video mentioned.....as your body gets closer to it's new normal, your hunger cues will come back.  It is up to us to make sure we don't wait too long between meals to eat or we risk over eating and skewing the hunger cues again.  If we take the first 12-18 months to really listen to our body, to really change the relationship with have with food, to get our arses to the gym (or do some type of exercise daily), then after the honeymoon period, we should still be successful.

Sooo........I will remember the words from the video, lean on my new gastric surgery friends and I will be successful!

In 8 days I should now when I will join the losers bench!


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