Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, September 19, 2016

Let's talk about non-scale victories!

My scale hasn't really moved the way I want it to....so I decided it is time to focus on the non-scale victories.

I noticed a few things over the weekend, that made me pause and think......damn, your body really is changing!  I feel different when I move, when sitting in chairs, and while driving......it is the little things we take for granted or don't pay attention to, that really matter!

So here are some specifics:
  1. I used to have to completely contort my body to buckle my seat belt.   Now, I just pull the seat belt across my chest and snap it into place, no twisting and turning!
  2. I had to readjust my car seat so I could see out of the mirrors, guess my rump is getting smaller.
  3. I have always DREADED sitting in a chair with arms.  On Friday night, I went out with a friend and was able to fit comfortably in the chair.
  4. On Saturday, I was taking pictures at a party for a 1 year old.  In case you didn't notice, they are not very tall!  So in order for me to get some good shots of her, at her level, I had to squat.  To my surprise, I was able to squat and stay in that position for more than 3 secs.  6 months ago, I would have tumbled over.  This means my core is strengthening!
  5. When I put on a fitted tank top yesterday, I looked in the mirror and thought....wow, I really am getting a waist!  AND my boobs look higher (thank you chest presses).
  6. I was also able to latch my bra on the next smallest hook placement.
We get so hung up on the number on the scale, we forget that our body is giving us other clues that good things are happening.  I have said from the beginning, I want healthier curves and my goal isn't to be skinny!  Well, now I am 17 days away from my final appointment with Dr. Bello........So that means I am about a month out from surgery.  I have a lot of work to do before then (in and out of the gym)!

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