Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

PCP 6 month follow up

I had my regular 6 month appointment with my PCP today.  This is the first time I have seen her since my decision to have WLS.  She has been my PCP for 5 years now and she has watched me lose and regain the same 70 lbs during that time.  Today was to focus on my A1C1.  Great news!  My A1C1 is 5.5!  A normal A1C1 level is below 5.7.
I am currently not even pre-diabetic! Shhhh.....don't tell my doctor, but I haven't been the best at talking all of my metformin.  What does that mean?  It means, my body is regulating my glucose levels without much assistance from medication!  She has now lowered my dosage by 500mg.

My blood pressure was also excellent.  Now the next number to get closer to "normal" is my BMI.
My current BMI is 64.  I need to be below a BMI of 30 to no longer be obese.Your BMI is determined by your height and your weight.  The charts show that a normal weight for me would be between 117lbs and 154lbs.  Right now, my goal weight is 180lbs.  That is a self imposed goal weight, not one that Dr. Bello has given me.

This is the first time in 5 years, I have left the dr.'s office and she seemed thrilled with my progress.  She even pre-scheduled a pre-op physical to ensure I can get on her schedule.

She completed the PCP letter of support and it was faxed over to COMP!  One more hurdle down.

The last hurdle is getting the written approval by insurance.  I can't believe the journey to the losers bench is almost at an end.  These past 6 months have flown by.  I did find out today, that most likely my surgery will be scheduled 4-5 weeks from the final appointment.  So that means the first or 2nd week in November.  My mom said, the surgery is going to happen exactly at the time it is supposed to happen........I am just feeling anxious and impatient to get the next phase of my life started.  I have decided to make myself a present for when I do have the surgery.  I will be making an expandable bracelet that has a little bench for a charm.  It will remind me, daily, that I have made a very big step to changing my life forever.  I am committing to working towards no longer being obese.  Normally, people would say the end is in sight.  I am going to say, the beginning is in sight!

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