Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, September 26, 2016

What if I can't do this?

OMG........I have my final appointment with the surgeon in 10 Days........10 Days!!!!!!!

Right now, I am filled with excitement, doubts and fear.  I have been seeing some pictures of friends that have had the surgery, and for whatever reason, the appear to be struggling with regain.  What makes me stronger than they are? My entire life (earliest diet I remember was at 13), I have struggled with this demon.

Yes, I have worked really hard over the past 6 months to make positive life style changes.  Yes, I still struggle to make the right decisions, but tend to choose correctly 90% of the time.  But what if........

My dad says.....you have 2 options:  1) You succeed, you change your life for the better and we all get to have you around longer  OR 2) I fly to Baltimore and kick your ass.

I shared with my mom that I think the nerves are coming from just being ready to be over this hump and get my new life started.......


  1. the struggle is real..i am a stress eater i struggle with it, always will.. but this was the best decision i ever made for myself..i hope it will be for you too. xo

    1. Thank you Mellie! You happen to be one of the reasons I think I can do this!

  2. the struggle is real..i am a stress eater i struggle with it, always will.. but this was the best decision i ever made for myself..i hope it will be for you too. xo
