Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

It's the little things......NSV's galore!

When the scale decides not to move........it's time to focus on your non-scale victories!

It is funny the things you take for granted when your body is inline with societal norms and expectations.

I went to the movies on Friday afternoon, and found myself sitting differently in the seat.  I no longer have to lift my leg over my other leg to cross them.  Yep, that's right, I looked down and realized my legs were crossed and didn't even think about doing it, it just happened.  I haven't been that comfortable in a movie seat in.....well, I am not sure I can even think of the last time I was comfortable in a movie seat......

I also no longer have to worry about having to ask for a table, rather than a booth at a restaurant.  OR worry about whether I will fit into any other chair........my hips and thighs are smaller now. 

It is just amazing to me, how my body movies differently, how my clothes fit differently, it is a trip!

I bumped into my friend the other day, at the gas station, and she didn't recognize me.  I see this friend at least every other week and she had to do a double take before she recognized it was me.  BEST COMPLIMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only 3 months out from surgery, down 50lbs since surgery day and 94lbs since April!  The journey is just beginning!!!

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