Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Food Culture

Last week, I was in Birmingham, AL for work.  I always knew that my company had a serious food and alcohol culture, but you really notice it when you are not partaking.  I was a bit nervous about the trip because it was the first trip I have been on since surgery.

So many things went through my mind, would I need a seat belt extender, what would people say when they saw me (seeing they haven't seen me in a year), how will I manage food and will I be okay with everyone drinking around me.

So......when I got on the plane, I immediately tried the seat belt and cried.  I didn't need the extender.  I can't remember the last time I flew and didn't need a seat belt extender.  I even own one because I was tired of being embarrassed every time I had to ask a flight attendant for one!

We don't always see the physical changes in us....sometimes we have to rely on others to point them out to us.  Everyone was so kind and flattering.  I was glad they were able to see the difference because I don't always.  It made me realize that my hard work is paying off!

Because I have been so open about my journey, I wasn't too worried about people being curious about my portion sizes.  But again, damn does my company have a serious food culture.  All was good, I was able to find food that worked with my tummy......then I encountered cheese curds....yep, deep fried fattening cheese!  I couldn't help myself, I could only eat 1, but it was sooooooo good.  Our meetings always end with an amazing meal.  We went to a steak house, no problem right?  WRONG!  I ordered chicken, was proud!  I didn't have any bread, again, I was proud!  I had 1 shrimp wrapped in bacon, still doing good.  Then our server, Steven, brought out delicious gratin potatoes.  So, I just had one small bite of potato.  Still not bad, right?  I have a sweet tooth, that doesn't quit for days.  Dessert came out and it had creme brulee on it.  Soooooo, like an compliant bariatric patient, I had a bite of all three small desserts.  Yep....bring it on food police!  I am 9 weeks out and dove into the deep end.  My portions were still very small, but clearly I overate that night.

So why am I not beating myself up over the food cheats?  Because what I realized was, my relationship with food has forever changed.  I eat to live, don't live to eat.  I eat because my body needs me to.  I didn't feel like I was missing out.  Because I have been so open about my journey, most people were supportive and respected my food choices and portion sizes.  Remember, I said, we have a serious food culture?  Well there were a few people who were food pushers.....but I explained to them why I was choosing not to eat different things, even though they still didn't understand.  My journey, not theirs!

I also learned, that I really miss being able to have a beer.  I didn't drink often before surgery, but I miss not having the option available.

I have to trust the process and do my best to work hard to get the results I want and need. 

I am 36lbs away from my 2nd scale goal.  I know I am going to be very emotional the day the scale reads 299.  I have NO idea when the last time the scale read under 300lbs.  My mom found an old camp physical slip and the weight listed was 172lbs.  That was from when I was 12 years old.  That is my current goal weight!  

Hard work pays off and anyone who says weight loss surgery is the easy way out.....well they can kiss my ass!  This is one of the hardest physical and emotional things I have ever experienced.

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