Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, February 13, 2017

Let's talk about sex baby..........

I am now 10 weeks out and I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this....but damn my sex drive is a little crazy!!

Regardless of which procedure you choose, there are going to be hormonal changes.  I have definitely experienced this.  I have moments, when I just cry, for no apparent reason.  But I have also had an increase in my sex drive.

"In a 2012 study published in Science Daily researches found that fertility did not increase but libido (sex drive) increased"

When you are overweight your body produces more estrogen. When you lose weight, the estrogen is decreased and the testosterone to estrogen ratio is increased. Testosterone is linked to higher energy and sex drive.

There was a study in 2010 that found that 70% of women who had WLS reported improvement in sex.  The study reported that there was an improvement in sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm and overall satisfaction.

Now, some of this is hormonal, but let's face it, when you drop a ton of weight, you feel more attractive.  And, we all know that confidence is sexy.  So if you are feeling better about yourself, your confidence has increased, you will start to receive attention from people that you never thought you would receive attention from.  This is certain to have a part in an increased drive.

I did a great deal of research before surgery, but I sure didn't think to research sex after weight loss surgery. I have always been comfortable in my skin and been a pretty confident person, but I definitely look in the mirror and see positive changes that I like and am becoming more and more comfortable in my own skin.  I always assumed it would improve because my body would be smaller which would open up more variety in positions, etc.

Anyway......just another layer of complexity to this life changing decision!

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