Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

By the numbers........

The numbers don't lie!  I can't believe that I have lost 9.25 inches since January 9th!  That is CRAZY!!!!!   That makes a total of 37.25 inches since June 29th.

I know I complain about going to the gym, but I do LOVE the results that it is showing.  A HUGE thank you to Liz Dumont with B4 Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching! Check out the classes and training she offers: http://www.bariatricbootcamp.net/.

She pushes you while understanding the needs of a bariatric patient. I wouldn't go to the gym unless I had someone pushing me and encouraging me.  The group of women in our Monday and Wednesday strength training class are amazing and keep me going!  Such a great support system.

I started my journey at 419 back in April.  My surgery weight was 375 and my current weight is 330.  I use the numbers on my scale at home.  I am really trying to focus on non scale victories and inches and not the number on the scale.  As long s the scale is moving in the right direction, I am happy!

  • Until yesterday, I had never been able to adjust my car sea, without opening the car door.  Last night on the way to the gym, my seat didn't feel right, so I reached down and was able to adjust it without difficulty!
  • I can put my hand on my office chair, while I am sitting in it.
  • I no longer need a seatbelt extender when I fly.
  • I was able to have a bite of a dessert and be satisfied.
  • My rings are all getting too big.

So, if I can make the life changes to become healthier, so can ANYONE!!!

PS:  My blog yesterday about sex, was the most viewed blog yet....you dirty people!  :-)

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