Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Time Flies

Wow.....Friday, will be 8 weeks since surgery.  It is crazy to think about!  I had my 8 week follow up yesterday.  My surgeon is thrilled.  I wish I could have captured the reaction on his face, when he looked at my weight loss numbers.  He raised his eyebrows and said "Wow, you are really dropping some weight. You will never be in the 400's again." I said, no I will not!  I asked him to give me a goal and he said he doesn't do that.  His goal for me is to have a healthy relationship with food and an active lifestyle.  To change my behaviors so that I am living a longer life.  He did tell me that on average, someone with my starting weight and my age, should lose about 145lbs, just from the surgery.  That is just crazy....means at a minimum, I should reach 235 by next year!  What????

He then went on to say, there were three possible scenarios.  Scenario #1: I will do great.  He has seen people larger than me, that are now running marathons.  Scenario #2: I will do good, meet the average.  Scenario #3: I will do poorly.  I quickly responded and I said #3 is NOT an option.  I didn't have major surgery to help with my morbid obesity, just to fail.  He said, he was really happy to hear that.

I hate weighing on different scales, and I hate weighing with my clothes on!  I have decided that as long as the scale is moving in the right direction, the # isn't going to matter to me.  Sometimes you have to see the difference, side by side.

I am back in a routine at the gym and I just ordered a new bathing suit, so my ass can get in the pool again!  I am determined to work out 5 days in the gym and the other 2 days, being mindful about activity

My next step is to create rewards for scale goals I meet.  When I lose 13 more pounds (will mean 50lbs since surgery), I am going to buy a piece of jewelry from dune jewelry.  They actually have sand from Southbeach at Eckerd College! I think this is the piece I am going to purchase. https://dunejewelry.com/collections/classic-dune/sandbar-necklace-on-long-chain. My next scale goal is to be a 299.  That means, I will have lost 81 lbs since surgery and I am only 44lbs away from that goal.  I am hoping to reach this goal by my 6 month appointment on May 24th.  dune jewelry also has dirt from the infields of ball parks.  So my next reward will be purchasing a charm from one of the ball parks I have visited.  I already have a charm made from dirt from Fenway.  My 100lb weight loss goal is to book a trip with all my friends that have supported me along the way.  I am thinking it will be a cruise to the southern Caribbean islands, out of Puerto Rico.

No matter what happens next.......all I know is, there is no looking back!  Some people use the butterfly as a symbol of their change and rebirth.  For me, it is the Phoenix!  When I am close to goal.  I will get a Phoenix tattoo....don't know where on my body and it may actually wait until after I do any plastic surgery I am opt for.

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