Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, January 4, 2021

Picture speaks 1000 words.....

 Sometimes I look in the mirror with disbelief!

Dysmorphia is no joke and really messes with your head.  I logically know my body is smaller.  I fit into spaces differently, I fit into clothes differently and my body moves differently,  BUT the mirror is cruel and plays tricks on your mind.  (Okay, your mind plays tricks on itself)

Today, just for fun, I pulled a size L shirt out of my closet.  I put it on and it fit......I wasn't comfortable in it YET (I prefer clothes that don't show off my lumps and bumps, HUSH, I'm working on it.), but it fit.

This journey is crazy and it is definitely more mental than physical.  I have vowed NOT to compare myself to others, because that is not what this is about.  This journey is about me, about self discovery, perseverance, remembering that I AM ENOUGH!  Some people will stick around for the journey and others won't.  And guess what, that's okay!  I will continue to be thankful to all I have crossed paths with.  I have taken something from the encounter and for that, I will be forever thankful.

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