Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Friday, May 25, 2018

Journal Challenge # 4: Who is your biggest supporter?

By far, my parents are my biggest supporters!  From the moment I chose to have weight loss surgery, my mom's support didn't falter.  My dad was skeptical and asked me tons of questions, but that's what he does!  AND it was a blessing because it meant I needed to have answers and be an expert in the chose I was making.

My parents live in Boston and I'm in Baltimore.  They re-arranged their schedules to make sure they could be here for the surgery.  They always offer to watch my pup and help me take care of her, EVEN though it is an 8 hour drive for them.

They help pay for my gym memberships and for my bday and Christmas (I had surgery 12.2.16), my gifts were all appropriate for my journey.  I got a Ninja, food saver, hand blender, gift cards to buy clothes, etc.  Even this past year, I had a huge box of protein bars and powders under the tree!

When I go home to visit, they make sure the fridge is packed with good choices.  They ask if their food choices will bother me, if they eat in front of me and give me gentle pushes when I need to get my ass to the gym and to start eating healthier!

I'm a lucky lucky girl to have two parents I get to call friends! 

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