Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Journal Challenge # 2: Favorite Childhood Memory.

Most of my favorite childhood memories involve my grandfather.

My grandfather was one of my favorite people. I used to love going to his house and spending time with him.

Food has always been something that is tied to memory for me.  It's how big Italian families show you they love you.  Sometimes just the smell of something overwhelms me with emotion because of the memories.

My grandfather used to have a stash of Brachs candies in his kitchen cabinet.  My Nana would tell us we could only have 1 piece and only if we did whatever it was she asked us to do.  BUT my Grampie, he adored my sister and me, so we usually go way with lots of stuff.  So, when Nana wasn't looking, Grampie would sneak us as much candy as we wanted.  I see those candies in the stores now, as an adult, and I'm overcome with nostalgia. 

He would also take me to outings at Papa Ginos for pizza.  I thought I was so special when he would let me put a coin in the table side juke box and pick a song.  In my childhood mind, that was the best pizza I've ever tasted.  So, on a trip home, a few years before my weight loss surgery, I asked my mom if we could get some Papa Ginos pizza.  I was so darn excited.  BUT, it was the WORST pizza I had ever had.  Lord have my tastes evolved as I gotten older!  Put I can still smell that pizza and see a storefront and get a little weepy.

I didn't have enough time with my grandfather.  And I'm sitting her a little weepy thinking about conversations I wish I could have with him.  When I found a man that I loved unconditionally, I took him to my grandfather's grave and introduced him.  Thank you Adam for not thinking I was a total nut!!!!  And even now, as Rob and I talk about him coming home with me in July, I have asked him if he would go to the cemetery with me because I need my grandfather to "meet" him.  Again, I'm lucky he doesn't think I need to be locked away for asking him to meet my deceased relative!

When I do make it back to Haverhill, I try to visit my grandfather's grave and I always have a little chat with him.  And if I close my eyes and silence my mind, I can smell his cigar and hear his voice.  He was a great man who left us way too soon!

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