Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, May 8, 2017

Diligence is key

So, my scale broke.  No big deal right?  Just buy another one Gretchen, this is a 1st world problem.  WELL, guess what happens when you don't buy a scale right away?  You get lax on your process and dedication.  You slip a cookie there, eat another starch there, and stop tracking your food intake as diligently as you had been.

So, my last weigh in, on my scale, was April 11th.  The good news is, I haven't gained in the past month, BUT I should have lost more than 2 lbs.  I will take the lose, but it was a wake up call.

Did I have access to a scale?  Of course I did.  I used this as an excuse because this new lifestyle is HARD.  Because there are days I want to say fuck it, I'm tired.  I don't care how many carbs I'm eating.  I don't care if I sneak a starch into my diet. 

Well guess what?  I'm only hurting myself.  NOBODY else cares if I get lazy about my health.  NOBODY else is going to monitor what I choose to put into my body.  NOBODY else knows my daily struggle to do the "right" thing.  Listen, I know how I got to be over 400lbs.  I also know how I was able to lose weight before surgery and been as successful as I have been since surgery.  It's my choice.  Sink or swim time. 

So today, I recommit (again) to my journey.  The journey to healthier curves.  The journey to a longer, healthier life.  Back to basics. 

Here we go........only success is allowed!

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