Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Monday, May 15, 2017

Back on track

I lost 4lbs this past week!  It was a stressful week, I lost a woman very close to me, work is a bit crazy with some potential changes occurring and I became addicted to peanut butter balls.  Yes, you read that correctly, don't judge.  They are delicious, creamy goodness that I couldn't stop eating.  SO, my solution, don't buy any.  Of course now, I'm craving them as my body detoxes from their delicious taste.

I'm down 4lbs this past week.  I didn't get to the gym like I wanted, but I still chose something active most days. I have 8 more lbs until I'm at my next scale goal and I have 20 days to get there!  In the past, when I wasn't as committed to the process, I would view it as defeat and just keep spiraling towards destruction.  This journey has changed that for me.  
I have said it before and I will keep saying it, without support, this journey is near impossible. It's a head game and food addiction is real.  Once bite of starches and my brain reverts to the way it thought 100 lbs ago.  I tell myself, it's just a few tater tots, or just one small roll.  BULLSHIT, it is never just one or a few.  Okay, it is, but that is only because I can't fit more in my stomach.  But that means, it is only the starch that ends up in my belly.  Protein first, then veggies!

I NEED to get back to the 5 days a week in the gym.  I didn't love my pool work outs, but I didn't hate them.  I also saw great progress when I went at least Saturday mornings.  So, I will get back at it.

Another week, another wake up call and moving forward!


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