Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Thursday, March 30, 2017

I've lost the equivalent of what?

Wow....as of this morning I'm down 106lbs from the start of my journey.  AND, that means I've lost the equivalent of a 2 month old horse.  THAT IS CRAZY!!!

How does one allow themselves to get that heavy?

I met with an old friend last night and shared my most recent comparison photos.  She just looked at me and then said, Oh Gerdy, you must have had lots of self talk going on.  She's right.  I have always been good at faking it until I make it.  Most people would think I was a pretty happy person.  They would be correct, to an extent.  But, if I was being honest, I would have to say, there were nights that I would sit at home and have some self loathing.  Now, if you ask her, she has her thoughts as to why I allowed myself to begin down a self destructive path.  Do I think she is right to an extent, yes, but I refuse to blame someone else for my obesity.  It is because of how I chose to react to situations; how I chose to cope with my feelings (I ate them, and ate them and ate them all the way up to 419lbs).

I look forward to when I can write a post and tell y'all that I have lost the equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger. And I'll won't be saying "I'll be back."  At that point, I will be close to my goal. 

Are you on a weight loss journey?  Check out this chart to see what your weight loss is equivalent to.

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