Loser's Bench

HW: 419 SW:314 CW:282 GW: 170

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

I lost weight where?

When you think about losing weight, you can imagine you will lose weight in the normal places.  Your face, your boobs, your stomach, etc.

But, you don't think about losing weight in other areas of the body.  Are you asking yourself, what is this crazy person talking about?  I know I did when I first started this journey.

I have lost weight between my toes, yep, between my toes.  There is now space there, and there wasn't before.  Not only have my toes lost weight, but I have shrunk some.  The fat layer on the bottom of my feet has lessened.  This has caused my shoes to become too big!

And this may be TMI....but guess what ladies.....you lose weight south of the border as well.  :-)
Yep, its true.  You discover parts of your body, you knew were there, but haven't set eyes on in years!

This journey is crazy.  I have learned more about myself in the past year, than I did when I was in therapy.  I learn new things everyday.  I can talk to you about macros and how to balance them in your daily food plans, I can talk to you about the effects on your hormones from rapid weight loss.  I know more about how my anatomy than I did when I was in science classes in school.

Knowledge is power and when people ask me about the surgery, the first thing I say is, do research and learn as much as you can.  I am so glad I took the 6 months before surgery to really understand the process and get my head right.  Buy products, try different protein powders, etc.

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